5 Bedtime Snacks

5 Bedtime Snacks

Surely we can’t be the only ones starting to feel the winter slump — Around 4pm when the sun begins to fade I feel my energy drop as if it’s a switch in my own body telling me to “wind down”.

If you’re still having trouble finding the right bedtime routine. Try these 5 approved healthy bedtime snacks pack with lots of nutritional value.

1.Cottage Cheese: digests slowly, filled with protein and vitamins including B1, B3, B6, A, iron & magnesium. It’s also sugar free — if you don’t like cottage cheese try adding fruit (perhaps in this case a banana) or some veg with salt & pepper.

2. Tart Cherry Juice: natural tart cherry juice has Melatonin which helps you drift off into la la land.

3. Chamomile Tea: Can help with sleep thanks to the antioxidant Apigenin. this ingredient can help with relaxation, and is also an anti-inflammatory.

4. Almonds: These nuts are known to be a good source of magnesium. Magnesium helps maintain blood sugar levels, regulate nervous system and aids the correct function of the parathyroid gland. Parathyroid issues can include: weakness, brittle bones and fatigue. Magnesium can help ensure your body is doing it’s job and help calm those nerves before bed allowing you to fall asleep faster.

5. Bananas: Along with almonds bananas are also known to be a great source of magnesium.

What snacks will you be trying?

One final tip to leave you with is turning down the blue light an hour before bed — it’s a hard thing to let go of but it truly does help regulate and rest our bodies.


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