5 Things That Have Helped My Sleep Pattern

We all know sleep health plays a large role in our day-to-day lives, how we show up for ourselves and others around us. Our sleep can affect many things in our lives, and I was the first to roll out all the excuses as to why I have terrible sleeping habits (some of which are true, others I haven’t changed and some that I have found to help).

In the past we’ve talked about the benefits of Cherry Juice, Snacks that could help improve your sleep — This post is different this one comes to you from simply making baby steps, and I have noticed it has helped me sleep and even wake up before my alarm, so I thought I may as well share them in case you find them helpful too.

Habits that I haven’t broken…yet

  • Watching TV before bed. (more on this shortly)

  • Hitting snooze on my alarm clock (on the days I don’t wake up before it).

The 5 Things That Have Helped!

  • As I said I haven’t broken the habit of going to be without Netflix however I have noticed setting my phone to redlight mode makes me scroll less, and fall asleep faster even when shows are playing - the lack of stimulus from the blue light has helped me wind down.

How to turn on Red Light on your phone: (Iphone Version)

  1. Settings

  2. Accessibility

  3. Accessibility Shortcut

  4. Color Filters

  5. Accessibility

  6. Display & Text Size

  7. Colour Filter

  8. Color Tint

  9. Red (Slide To 100% Intensity)

  10. Exit

  11. Triple Click Right Side Button To Switch between Normal & Red Light

  • Working shift work this doesn’t always end up working in my favour but I do my best to join the “early dinner club” this is usually between 5:30-6:30, if I’m going for an evening workout I’ll try to eat a bigger lunch and have a snack when I return. Overnight oats has been a continuous to-go, I don’t want to go to bed hungry but I also don’t want to eat dinner at 9pm. Eating early, especially in the summer also gives me time to go for an evening walk with a girlfriend, watch a movie or read with a cup of tea (and a couple of biscuits).

  • Using Natural products to help me sleep. I have tried melatonin and it turns out I’m one of those people who it has an opposite affect one — I end up being WIRED, but I do have a few Saje products in my arsenal that help me drift of to sleep no matter the timezone. Those are the Sleep Well Roll-On, the Dreamy Lotion, the Sweet Sheets & Lavender Spray.

  • While I might not have a “timed” routine based on the hours I work, I do still have a nighttime routine that includes: Turning off overhead lights, turning on lamps. Face wash routine (including daily double cleanse, and a face mask from time to time). Having a cup of tea and settling in my bed, and if i’m in the mood I’ll read a chapter or two.

  • One final thing that has helped is leaving my laptop downstairs. For ages I would bring my laptop upstairs to get a “little bit of work done”, but hours would go by and all of a sudden it would be the early AM’s before getting to sleep throwing off my plans and sleep for the next day — I still bring a notebook and pen to bed in case I have any epiphany’s but none so far have come at the expense of my sleep, in fact I find my hours of productivity have increased.


Summer’s Hotpick: The White Waistcoat


Icon Ipsy Bag - May 2024