Breakdown Box

The snow has begun to fall — and that only means one thing: Winter is Here.

While the calendar says Winter doesn’t arrive until December, Canada likes to create rules of its own. Since owning a car, by parents have told me to always keep these 4 things in the car when the snow hits.

  1. Shovel

  2. Salt

  3. Snow Brush

  4. Snow Gear

While the concept is practical, its not necessarily “cute”. So I wanted to come up with something a little more girlie, while still being useful. Enter, the breakdown box — when my friends first heard about it they thought it was about having an emotional breakdown…and let’s be honest if I’m stuck in a ditch or broken down on the side of the road, one of those is bound to happen as well, while I wait for AMA …or my dad.

So Here’s what I put in the box:

  • Shelf Stable Snacks (water, nuts, granola bars…perhaps some chocolate)

  • Hand Warmers

  • Snow Gear (Jacket, Mitts, Toque)

  • Blanket

  • Salt

  • Shovel & Snow Brush (yes I know those don’t fit in the box)

  • Washer Fluid

New Addition This Year: “Magic Potion” — don’t know the actual name but it’s 4:1 ratio of White Vinegar & Water in a spray bottle, this is a more affordable option for when your car gets hit with an overnight freeze. (Check out My Personal Concierge for more great tips!)

Pictured: Turkish Blanket from Watermark, Calpak Storage


In the past I have simply used an old Jilly Box, but as an upgrade check out this Calpak Car Storage, perfect for this Winter Must Haves, along with any other storage you may need to keep your driving safe!


Useful Gifts


What We Bought In October