Dear Valentine,

Dear Valentine,

Whether you’re alone or together, take heart you’re right where you’re meant to be. As seasons change so will your plans, but please never lose sight of the vision God has set out for you. There will be heartbreak and heart work, there will be moments of tears but there will also be moments of miraculous triumph. Whatever today looks like take time to celebrate the love that has filled your heart and home.

For my single girls, Valentine's Day can be tough, and as cliche as it maybe this day does not constitute your worth. I have been in and out of relationships through the years and I can honestly say one is not better than the other in the way today is celebrated. It comes down to your perspective and effort you put into the season you’re walking through. God will produce fruit in every season.

In Isaiah 55:8-9 it says “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

It can be hard to see the beauty in the valley when it seems to be shadow after shadow. Not only in relationships but in all phases of life, whether you are waiting on a diagnosis, promotion, pregnancy, healing. They all have there a level of challenge. I have always believed God doesn’t give you more than you can handle. With that being said, he does give you more than you handle alone. It’s just enough that it challenges you to lean into faith. He knows the desires of your heart and how resilient you are, but it takes being stretched to have faith being your only resort…or as I like to say resource.

Faith isn’t just a place for shelter, it’s a place to restore so you can return to your mission. Speaking to my single girls. If a spouse is on your heart, you have to start. I don’t mean swiping and scrolling. Start putting in the work to be the wife you want to be so it’ll attract the husband you want. Pray over him, one of the most healing things I have done in this season of singleness is I have written a letter to my future husband, I’m sure I’ll alter and edit it over the seasons of single into dating leading to marriage but it helps me paint a picture and have faith that I will see fruit come from this. If words are not your forte, take a paint brush or draw the words and prayers over you future spouse. If you are musically inclined, which I am not, go ahead and create a song. It’s much more therapeutic than it sounds, this shouldn’t be homework.

I find I get inspired while driving into the mountains, where I cannot be distracted by phone call, text messages, Instagram notifications, it’s just me, God and the mountains.

While I do believe singleness is a gift. It can be used for self work, goal setting, healing and much more. I also believe it’s ok to ask for more and strive for it. Perhaps if it’s not happening in the moment you expected it to, it’s because there is still something to be resolved, either in your life of their’s. Just because God says no, doesn’t mean it’ll stay no.

One final thought on this Valentine’s Day. Love is an action word, not a feeling. We all like to be the recipient of loving actions as it makes us feel valued, cared for, appreciated. Feelings fade, Love is greater, it is the constant pursuit. It doesn’t give up when times get tough or we feel agitated.

If you have been caught up in the circular world’s view of what Love is, here is the true meaning: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all thing, end sure all things. Love never ends.” 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. ESV.

It’s not about what you can get out of someone or something, it’s about what you give. Single or not this Valentine’s Day, you have so much to give. You were designed with a purpose and on mission.

Keep going,

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Resources that helped me:


Bookworm Guide


Superbowl Snacks