Hibiscus Iced Tea Lemonade

Although the broke blonde was created nearly four years ago I am still a very small fish in a very big pond, so I always get excited when companies want to collaborate with me! 

It makes it even more special when they are local companies - Sam from teariffic tea reached out to me wondering if I would be interesting in tasting out her teas and come up with some fun recipes. So keep your eyes peeled for more posts like this one!

With summer in the air (or at least 70% of the time) there truly is no better feeling than placing a picnic blanket down on the grass (or sand) popping on your shades, getting a start on your summer booklist and sipping a big glass of iced tea. 

If you’re like me Iced Tea is one of my go-to’s whether it’s homemade or from a cafe however sometimes I like to switch it up and have lemonade - well my friends I have the best solution for you!! Hibiscus Lemonade Tea. 

I simply boiled some hot water let it steep for X minutes and then poured it over ice. It is quite a sharp tea so if you like things a little sweeter I would recommend adding some agave, sugar or honey to you glass. And of course for hosting (and Instagram purposes) add some fresh fruit. If you want to make things bubble add club soda or tonic water and you’re off to the races!

**serving tip** if you don’t have a glass jug save your pennies and use a vase 

That’s all for this week! 

As I said before I will be adding a few more tea focused recipes in the upcoming weeks so keep an eye out, I’ll also be sharing what I put in my beach bag!

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo

P.S For all my other brokeblondes out there Sam was kind enough to give me a 20% off code for you to use too! HOLLY20 Enjoy! feel free to tag both myself (@thebrokeblondeblog) and Tearrific (@tearrifictea) we’d love to see what you come up with x


Summer Bucket List


Treat doesn’t have to be a cheat