Morning & Night Routine - 2017

Happy Friday!

Today I am going to chat your ear off on my typical morning and night routines. I tend to have 2 Versions to my routines, a weekday and a weekend.

My weekday routine sort of looks like this: Alarm goes off at 5am....hit snooze a few times. Jump out of bed, rush around like a tornado, grab food of some sort (usually a protein bar), hop in the car and head to work. Ta-da! That's me done.

My weekend routine is a touch less chaotic. Usually my alarm goes off around 8am (depending on what I have planned), I'll hit snooze a few times, then I'll rollover and turn on my laptop/ipad/iphone...really anything in arms reach. My laptop and I are very close...we usually share a bed. I mess about on social media until I get hungry then I'll hunt something down to eat. Currently it's been porridge. After breaky I'll go and get dressed even if I have nowhere to go, it makes me feel more productive.

That is all for my morning routine, I am a pretty simple human...unless I attempt to do hair and makeup , that's a whole other story.

Now onto Night Routine.

As far as night routine goes both my weekday and weekend are fairly similar. The only difference is over the weekend I may decide to take a bath and light a couple of candles while watching a movie.

Here's what it looks like: At the top of my week I am currently taking night classes so I most often get home around 9pm at this point I am usually brain dead so I look for the nearest source of food, inhale some dinner and then I'm off to have a quick shower and dive into bed with Netflix. I know it's not good for me but I usually fall asleep to it playing.

Thursday and Friday's I have a bit more down time to myself. Once I'm home from work I usually will throw on some sweats and either do some homework or some blog work (usually the latter haha). Occasionally I will find something to do on a Friday night, but as most of my friends live far away from me I am more of a homebody.

As mentioned above the weekend is the same as during the week the majority of the time, occasionally I will have something going on but that's about it.

If I ever have difficulty falling asleep I will spray my pillows and room with Saje's "Stress Release" mist and I will use my "peppermint halo" roll on. That combo usually sends me deep into la la land.

I know it's not super interesting but those are my current routines!

Thanks for reading ... or scrolling. Feel free to comment or like!

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo




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