Red Nails & Oranges Theory


At this points, we’re up for anything to find love. Noticing these trends on Tiktok we thought we’d hop on the band wagon. We tried out the red nail theory over Christmas and only 2 comments were made about the red. So while the theory suggests it will get you noticed we can’t say it worked on our end. According from Instyle Magazine “Eiseman agrees with the hypothesis. “Much of color association starts in childhood,” she explains. “It is a logical conclusion that men would be attracted to red nail polish as a reminder of the colors their mothers wore on their nails at a significant time when they were strongly connected and dependent.”

So perhaps we’ll give it another shot, now that we’re entering free-agent season.

As for the orange theory, we haven’t had a chance to trial it ourselves put the theory suggests that those of you who are in a relationship, if you ask your partner to unpeel the orange and they do, according to the reliable source of TikTok, it means they are confident in the relationship, if they don’t it’s a red flag.

Let us know if you’ve tested this on your partner and the results you’ve had!


Trend Alert: Oxblood & Navy


The Gift Of Wellness