Spring Favourites 2021

I’m not sure what happened, but spring sprung right by me. We are already midway through may and I haven’t had a moment to share with you my March or April favourites. Rather than posting a way past late blog post I figured it would be best if I just compiled the list into one.

Let’s begin with treats because they are delicious, back in March Bubbly released two new flavours, Pineapple and Peach. Both are delicious, but if I were to pick one it would have to be pineapple, I have a feeling it would make for a great low-calorie option for a pina colada, which is rapidly approaching. Last summer I did a full breakdown on various ways to maka a pina colada, be sure to check it out so you are well prepared fpor tjhis summer!

In February, Hershey’s launched heart shaped chocolate chips in honour of Valentine’s day, While I couldn’t find them in a supermarket near me at the time, on my most recent shop I saw them…we’ll just blame shipping delays, I guess. I don’t know what it is but I think the heart shape makes them taste better, or perhaps it’s the fact they are milk chocolate rather than the semi-sweet my tastebuds have become accustom to.

I haven’t been in the kitchen as much lately as I spent most of March and April, staring at my laptop going cross-eyed finishing final assignements for the semester, and thankfully jumped right into to full-time client work. I have been enjoying the Asiago and Artichoke dip from Superstore with anything dippable…including Ms. Vickie’s new Spicy Dill Chips.

Before you think I should hire a nutritionist, I have been sticking to a fairly healthy morning routine including making my homemade green juice and going for runs…yes you read that correctly. I have been using the Tone It Up now for coming on two years and I love it, and still use it every alternate day, sometimes daily depending on the week. As my strength grows, I want to balance it with my cardio fitness, and I miss my barre classes dearly, so next best is running, and training as if I were still playing soccer. I’ll check back with you later in the summer to see if I was able to maintain this ambition.

In my limited down time, I re-watched the Mentalist, as you can never go wrong with Patrick Jane. However, I did recently cave into getting Crave so if you have any show recommendations let me know!


Queen of Vanilla


Beauty Empties - 2020