Stuck On Stories


Not sure how to show up on stories?

I’m here to help!

Let’s begin with introductions. Whether you are selling or connecting it can sometimes be easier to talk about someone other than yourself.

If you have a case of the Story Scaries, start by sharing a simple part of your day that brings you joy, or something that entertained you. (Favourite coffee shop, A local Boutique, an Amazon Order) -- If it’s in your nature to add humour do so, if it’s your style to educate share what you know!

Ex: “Now that Starbucks has launched their new drink menu, here is what I’ve tried and what I would recommend”


Ex: “If you’re looking for a new place to get your brows done check out this beautiful location”

As you become more confident you’ll find ways to add your own flare!

We know the days of the week!

Do you find yourself saying “Happy X-day” every time you go to post? Try changing up your welcome message to keep your audience engaged.

Instead of “Happy Monday” try “How was your weekend?[...]Mine was....”

Instead of “Happy Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday” try “Remember yesterday [...]” or “Can I ask you for a favour” [...] or even “Did you know [...]”

Instead of “Happy Friday” try “What are your plans for the weekend [...]Mine are[...], or Before I sign off for the weekend [...], or Jump right into the story!

Weekend Intros “Every, Sat/Sun, we/1 do [...], Are you stuck in a weekend slump try this [...] or any of the mentioned above suggestions.

Need to delete a tab on your laptop but want to keep this as a reminder? Get the download version here! Be sure to tag me in your stories so I can cheer you on and give you the engagement you deserve!


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