Summer Jilly Box 2024

The summer Jilly Box has arrived, and we’re left undecided about how we feel about it. Overall the theme is one of the better ones they’ve had in a while — the dilemma is between the claim of the value of the box and the personal value of the box. The cost is $199+Shipping, the value of this box is the biggest yet at $672 and our personal value (retail price of the items we’d actually use) is $296.

After looking over the past few boxes it turns out we‘ve only accept 50% of the boxes over the past year, compared to the beginning when we were desperate to get out hands on the box (subscribers get the option to skip each season). We’ve been trying to figure out if we’re still the ideal demographic, if we’re just no longer interested or if it’s just gone down hill.

A box like this keeps us locked in just enough to make us want to see what the next box holds — we haven’t seen any hints yet for Fall 2024, but perhaps we’ll get some hints in the upcoming weeks.

Here’s what was inside the Summer Box for 2024 — if you’re more into video scroll down to see the full TikTok of what we thought!

Now that you’ve seen inside the box what do think? Should we stick around and see what’s in the Fall Box? We will say this is much better than Spring 2023 when there was the Sham Scam…

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