Homemade Vegan Pumpkin Ravioli

Hello Blondies!

Well That’s a wrap on all things pumpkin for this year… or at least it is for all my fellow Canadians.

Now the question is what to do with the leftovers? Sure soup…but that’s the easy way out. I decided to take it to the next level with comfort food and created this homemade creamy ravioli with a pumpkin filling…oh and it’s vegan!

Now if that’s not your style no need to fear, I have given you some non-plant options add - ons.

Here’s What You Need:

1 Sugar Pumpkin
1/8tsp of cumin
1/8 tsp of cinnamon
Salt & Pepper to taste

To cook the pumpkin, set your oven to 400f. Cut pumpkin in the middle and take out the seeds. Place is roasting dish flesh side up and over with water. Once oven is at temperature cook pumpkin for 25mins. Once cooled peel off the flesh of the pumpkin then blend until smooth but not runny. Add seasoning, I started with 1/8tsp but feel free to add to taste, and if you like a bit of a kick feel free to add some chilli flakes…but heads up they are also in the creamy sauce. When doing the taste test there was something missing but I couldn’t put my finger on it so I’m thinking either grilled onions or bacon. If that’s the case cook those off on the side and gently fold into the pumpkin while adding some of the juice (or fat) from the pan.

2 cups of flour
2 teaspoons of olive oil
1/2 cup of water
Pinch of salt

I found this did about 1/2 the pumpkin filling so perhaps double it if you want to use the entire pumpkin for ravioli, or you could save it for soup. To create dough simply knead together and then let rest for an hr or so. Then roll out as thing as possible, ideally as pasta maker but if not a rolling pin….or water bottle works. If you are going with the latter technique I suggest rolling it, then cutting it into the desired piece and then rolling it out one more time to get it that much thinner.

3/4 cup of cashews
3/4 cup of water
4 tablespoons of pasta water
1 tsp of chilli flakes
1 clove of minced garlic.

This made the perfect amount for a lunch (or dinner) for 2. If you are serving more I would double, perhaps triple the batch.
Step 1: Soak cashews in boiling water for 45mins, then blend until smooth.
Step 2: Once pasta is ready to be cooked, turn on the saucepan on low, add fat (butter or olive oil depending on what you prefer). Add Minced garlic, cashew cream and chilli flakes.
Step 3: As pasta cooks add each ravioli to cashew sauce, and add a bit of pasta water as you go, I found 4 tablespoons did the trick to keep the sauce nice and loose.
Step 4: Once pasta is cooked and covered in sauce, serve, instagram then eat.


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