5 Tips To Get Over Jet Lag

Time for something different. I know everyone has a different way of getting over jet lag but I thought I'd share my tricks to keeping up with time change! 

1. Stay Awake, this can be particularly harder on the long hauls or those who find it hard too sleep on planes, but I have found staying up puts you on the local time alot quicker.

2. Activities, with that being said the best way to stay awake is filling your day with activities. Don't trap yourself in your hotel room, go out find your bearings, this also helps you fit in another day of sightseeing.

3. Eat! My favourite part of the day, it's always good to pack travel safe snacks to avoid getting hangry while in line at customs, however try your best to save your big meals for proper local mealtimes.

4. Routine. Bring yourself back to childhood by giving yourself a bedtime routine. After a high energy filled day, I like to slow things down with a bath or shower, face mask and a cuppa and usually that sends me into lala land. I am guilty for now powering off before bed but I do notice I feel much more rested when I do. If all else fails I use a sleep spray...sometimes I'll use it even if I'm not having troubles falling asleep because I like it. I swear it's magic in a bottle.

5. Set An Alarm. I know you'll hate me for saying this but set an alarm no matter how tired you are, this will help you get into the swing of things alot sooner.

I find doing these 5 things really does help me get over my jet lag within the first 48hrs of arrival, I hope they help you too...if you have any other suggestions let me know! I'd love to hear them!!

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo


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