5 Ways To Brighten Up Your Day

The days are slowly getting longer and we’re starting to see the hope of spring! Here are 5 ways to add some spring into your step as we pass through the last bit of winter.


Sleep is a key part of our overall health and many of us are guilty of not respecting our sleep routine. A goal for us this year is to remove blue light an hour before bed and start waking up naturally, rather than a startling alarm. For now we’re simply working on not hitting snooze 5 times before actually waking up.

One of our pay-day wishlist items is the Restore 2 Sunrise Clock from Hatch or the Sunrise Simulation Clock from Phillips — each are a pretty heavy price tag, so it may be worth trying out an Amazon dupe. we’ll report back later.

Next is supporting your nutrition — we’re not here to tell you about the latest trends or promote a product to help you with XYZ problem. Instead we’re here to encourage you to pay attention to what you feed your body and how it fuels you! Our belief is nothing is neutral, everything is either helpful or harmful — but don’t get us wrong we love our treats, we’re just aware of what and when we’re having them. We’ve been using the ToneItUp since 2019 for both work out and nutrition plans, it’s not often we follow it from start to finish but it helps for meal inspiration!

One thing we have started paying attention too is balancing our blood sugar, whether it’s a trend or we’re simply just paying more attention as to how we’re feeling our blood sugar plays a big role, we’ve recently purchased the Glucose Revolution, by the Glucose Goddess or Jessie Inchauspé, biochemist. We’re excited to sink our teeth into this book and learn more about supporting our body and avoid glucose spikes.

Similar to supporting your nutrition. Exercise is a key component to our overall health but it looks different for everyone — we’re bias to fitness classes as we like the atmosphere and the community aspect however there are those who appreciate the independence of a gym or the flexibility of at-home workouts. It simply depends on the season of life your in. Whatever it is, keep going and try your best to fit in 30mins of elevated heart-rate activity each day, to maintain overall wellness.

Onto the last trick to help you feel you best as we move into spring is taking care of your skin, and no we don’t just mean skincare and facials — although SPF is important! Red Light, Cold Plunging have both been noted to have external and internal benefits along with the Sauna. We love spending an evening away from screens and giving our bodies some care while we read, meditate or reflect on the day, this is also where most of our ideas come through because we’ve given our mind time to wander. If you live in the northern hemisphere it’s also suggested to take Vitamin D to help with the lack of sunshine, and to help brighten your mood!

What are you doing to get through the winter? Let Us Know!


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