5 Ways To Use An Avocado

Hello Blondies!

According to Instagram today is #nationalavocadoday, so I thought I would share with you 5 easy recipes to change up you avocado.

  1. Buddha Bowl. This is a super vague and quick way to use an Avocado. I personally love a Buddha Bowl (still not quite sure why it’s called that) especially in the summer when I don’t feel like cooking in the heat. I use quinoa as my base however, you can easily swap it for rice… or kale if you’re looking for a greener alternative. Aside from Avocado in the bowl, I typically add some brocoli and cucumber. To add a bit of colour and kick I like to chop some purple cabbage, pickle carrots and raddishes. I also reach for this as a quick meal for in the autumn as well where I like to adpat my bowl to what’s in season, this usually includes butternut squash or sweet potato with some caramilized onion and black beans. For additional protein I occasionally add chicken breast or chickpeas.

  2. Creamy Avo Dressing. While greens can get boring… quick, don’t worry no need to pretend you would prefer a Kale salad instead of dessert, it’s a safe place.

    I have being playing with ways to add a tasty dimension to your salads…enter Creamy Avocado Dressing. Here’s what you’ll need. 2 Avocados, 1 Cup of Mayo, 1 Tablespoon of Lemon Juice, 3 Tablespoons of White Wine Vinegar, Salt & Pepper to Taste, 1 Tablespoon of Sugar and 1/2 teaspoon of Garlic Powder and 4-6 Tablespoons of Water depending on how running/creamy you desire your dressing.

  3. Before you roll your eyes, I have one more salad for you then we can keep going. Nothing says summer to me without Caprese Salad. If you don’t already know the base it’s Tomato, Mozarella (or boccocini), with fresh Basil, which I currently have loads of thanks to the back garden drizzled with balsamic…delish, now imagine adding a layer of thinly sliced bright green avo, sure you’ll only have about .234 seconds to take an insta pic and eat it before the avo goes bad but hey that’s why we love them.

  4. Avocado Brownies. I am always down for a gooey brownie, if you prefer a more cake-y brownie this may not be out your alley, however I will say these vegan brownies went down quite easily in my carnivore family. Here’s what you’ll need. 1 Avocado, 3/4 of a cup of Coconut Milk, 2/3 of a cup of cocoa, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, 4 tablespoons of white vinegar, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1 cup of flour, 1 1/2 cups of sugar done 265 for 30- 35 minutes… depending on how gooey you like them they could spend a wee while longer in the oven or if you are at a different elevation they may cook faster.

  5. Avo Toast. Saving the best for last, you may call it old hat…I like to call it a classic. Truly nothing better than a lightly toasted slice of rye bread with a touch of mayo with a green avo, a couple of runny poached eggs ( I guess scrambled would work too…but we all have our preferances), topped with cherry tomatoes with a drizzle of Siracha, if you wanted to be healthy I’m sure you could add some hemp hearts. I on the other hand have got too used to, what I call Flight Attendant Avo Toast aka Guacomole on Melba Toast, depending on distination I can add the tomatoes but most of the time it’s just the guacomole. The reason being is, while we do have some travel restrictions lifted as it’s deemed necessary for the job these depend on destination, most outside countries outside of Canada do not allow foods with seeds…aka Avocado, but LOOP HOLE, guacomole does not have seeds there for it’s safe. However the if you were to make toast at 3AM its not the nicest at 11AM when you finally get a moment to eat, which is where the Melba Toast comes it….also very tasty with Mumgry on it.

Now that I have shared with you 5 of my favourite ways to use Avocados…and share some industry secrets, I would loved to hear how you enjoy an Avocado, or if you even like them? I have one more recipe up my sleeve that will be released on Tuesday. As for now, talk to you later!


Summer Essentials - 2020


July Favourites