Summer Essentials - 2020

Hello Blondies,

While July in Calgary stayed true to history, with multiple thunderstorms rolling in, it did help our back garden…but now thankfully the sun has decided to take over with avengence it’s time to work on that tan and bring out all the summer essentials.

Beginning with Tanning, I love my time in the sun, I have quite moley skin and well I don’t want to look like a shriveled prune before I find a husband! Sunnatan Organic Tanning Products have been one of my go-to’s during this sunny season along with a sun brolly when I am out on the patio.

As for SPF, I am SUPER picky and while I was in the UK last summer I stocked up on Boots Soltan Lotion, its the perfect spray and does not leave me feeling gross and greasey. As for my face Dermalogica is my fave SPF, I mentioned last year that I loved using their Prisma Protect however this year they came out with their new Invisible Physical Defense that does not leave a white cast on the skin….bye bye Bay Watch wannabe.

If you haven’t read ANY of my past blog posts or follow me on Instagram….A) I have no idea how you ended up here. B) I love reading and have a bookclub, August’s book is Bring The Joy by Jessica Janzen which you can by from the shop and 2.50 goes towards the Love For Lewiston foundation which helps families with children against there fight with SMA. With August being SMA awarness month and Jess’s birthday month I thought there would be no better fit to make it this months bookclub book! If you are looking for other book suggestions you can check out the Summer Reading Guide or the 2020 Bookclub Bingo.

While I like sitting in the sun, I do get restless and have been spending this time exploring a bit more. I’m not going to lie, I am not a hike fanatic, but I do my best…I have curated a list of Holly Approved Hikes aka ones that aren’t too long and Nike shoes only. To increase your chances of me coming on a hike snacks or lunch are good bargaining tools. I have been slightly OBESSED with Handfuel Nuts, a new company out of Toronto. My favourites are the Salted Almonds, Pistachios or the Coconut Cashews.

One final essential is a killer swimsuit, I have been loving my Knix bikini that I got as apart of the Jilly Box, while this exact one is no longer available they do still have some of their swimwear online, I’ve attached a referral link which gives you $15 off your purchase…while you’re at it I would also recommend their lounge pants, I lived in them during quarantine. h

Hope you’re all having a lovely summer!


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