January Favourites - 2021

We made it through! 

1 month down, 11 to go. Whatever your goals, resolutions, dreams are for 2021 you have plenty of time to make those a reality. During January my church launched 21 days of prayer and fasting, while I didn’t do a full fast I did cut out, chocolate, treats, coffee, alcohol, and shopping…I made it to day 19 before I caved and bought a couple of pieces, but as for the rest of it I made it through all 21 days and you bet I am writing this on day 22 with a big cup of coffee in my hand and I may or may not have had lucky charms for breakfast… don’t @ me I’m a grown woman and I can choose what I have for breakfast. 

While it may not have been the healthiest of choices to break the somewhat healthy trend I was on I did pick up some healthier habits throughout January. I am not one for “New Year’s” resolutions because I am always working towards different goals, but when I do fall off a routine (aka Christmas) I do my best to return to it. Having woken up at 5 for the past 15 weekdays, I decided it was a much better habit than going to bed at 3. So I have introduced an early bedtime and have set a screen timer on Netflix so it automatically shuts off at 10:30 pm….I know, I know T.V before bed isn’t the best but screen timer is my baby step Ooookayy? If you’re like me and need a bit of help resetting your body clock I would highly suggest the Sleep Well roller from Saje and a Neckwarmer pillow, makes you all warm and toasty perfect for snuggling into a cave of blankets like a bear…did I mention Winnie the Pooh is my spirit animal? Always looking for snacks, ready for a nap, and loves a good crop top, I digress. 

Another habit I have been working on since the summer is drinking more water. Back in the good ol days when I was flying, I would have about 1.5 litres every 3 days, I am well aware you’re meant to have approximately that amount every day, not every week. Two things that have helped me stay consistent is my large Starbucks cup with a draw so I can mindlessly sip as I go about my day, the other thing helping me stay hydrated is Aura Inner Beauty’s Radiance Powder. This plant-based elixir helps improve gut-health and digestion, protect your skin against oxidative damage and inflammation and regenerate healthy skin cells. There are no artificial colours, flavours, or preservatives, and is loaded with anti-oxidants, pre & probiotics, and adaptogens. I also bought the coconut collagen but as I stayed away from coffee for the past 21 days I haven’t had much use out of it, but the limited amount of time I have used it was delicious.

Now that I’ve got a routine working for me it’s time to take of the mind, body, and soul. It’s no secret I love reading, and now that I have been waking up earlier I have found more time to dive into the giant pile of must-read books on my shelf. However, I still don’t have a self-driving car or personal chauffeur — shock I know, so as I am unable to read as I drive around the city and to the mountains, I still use Audible to get another couple of books off of my list. I was told recently that the Calgary Public Library has a free audiobook platform, so my time with Audible may be coming to an end. This past month, I have completed “You’re the Girl for the Job” by Jess Connolly and “Atomic Habits” by James Clear…may sound a bit cliche as January seems to be the month for changing habits and routine but it’s been in my Audible library for well over a year now. I have just begun listening to “4% Fix”, by Karma Brown. As for physical books, I am still working my way through, Didn’t See That Coming by Rachel Hollis, Rising Strong by Brene Brown, Circle Maker by Mark Baterson, and Work Party by Jaclyn Johnson. Quite the list I know but sometimes I need a change of pace, surely I can’t be the only one who has multiple books on the go? 

My skincare routine hasn’t changed much, I am loving Pixi’s Vitamin C Tonic and BeautyCounter’s Counter+ No. 1 Brightening Facial Oil, along with the lip Jellies. I have jumped back onto the workout out train after losing consistency over the Christmas break, still using Tone It Up entering year 2 with the app and I love it there is such a wide variety available and they are always adding new programs and classes so it’s never boring.

For the soul I have bought She Reads Truth’s latest Devotional for the book of Esther and will be co-leading a small group as we read through “I Do Boundaries” by Havilah Cunnington.

That’s a wrap for this month’s favourites!

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