Praise Report- 2020

Let’s Go 2021. 

Things may have seemed to go a little (or a lot) sideways in 2020, and while we are very much still living with the chaos that is COVID-19. My goal is to live through COVID and not have COVID live through me. 

At my church, we have something called praise and prayer reports. And if you have any prayers by all means leave them in the comments or send me an email. 

But I thought instead of leaving 2020 on a sour note I would send it off with a Praise Report. 

  • January: Paid Off My CC’s.

  • February: Took the biggest risk of my life and made the hardest personal decision I have ever had to make. Had Friends and Family travel to visit from Across Canada, the US, and the UK all before the pandemic hit.

  • March: Managed to squeeze in two quick trips to Hawaii, for the first time. It truly is Heaven on earth.

  • April: Did a…lot of baking, not sourdough though.

  • May: I started training for my pilot's license

  • June: Able to buy an SUV after drowning my FIT in a giant puddle during Calgary’s classic torrential rainstorms…which of course cleared up overnight.

  • July: Many trips to the mountains and enjoying the stunningly warm weather. Knocking a few more cocktails off of our Cocktail bingo sheet in Banff…and most memorable locking the keys in the car. (I think that was July may have been August)

  • August: Most impulsive girls trip to Kelowna…even more than the trip to Vegas back in 2018. Enjoyed fabulous food at SmackDab, Quails Gate, and many more. Also visited plenty of wineries and came back with a full carload of wine.

  • September: Returned to school and managed to have a small birthday celebration with some close friends before further restrictions were put in place. Was finally able to walk into EC’s home building! Celebrated 4 years of and reach a goal of 1k followers, something I have set out to do since day 1! Slow and steady, slow, and steady.

  • October: Family game nights were continued over the Thanksgiving break.

  • November: One of the final outings taken before lockdowns were reinstated was celebrating Dad’s birthday with our traditional brunch date.

  • December: Although lockdowns have made an unwelcome return, I was able to still keep some Christmas traditions in tack along with some new ones, including an outdoor firepit during the first big snowfall of the year on December 21. Treating myself to Skating and Brigette Bar dinner while watching the Nutcracker from home on December 23rd and enjoying a live Christmas Eve service.

I would love to hear about the celebrations in your life during 2020! 

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January Favourites - 2021


Month in Review: December 2020