Month in Review: December 2020

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What worked, what didn’t.

Black Friday I decided to take a jump (back) into the MLM world. If you haven’t heard the story I would suggest you check out my previous post on this topic. If you have, welcome back.

I have decided this time around I am giving myself 1-year to use this as a growth opportunity. If I see a profit I will continue. You’ve heard it hear first.

The MLM world has a fairly dark shadow cast over it, and to be honest it has some pretty scarring memories in my own life. I thought I would be beneficial to give you the honest run down of how things look. The criteria: I will be comitting two blog posts a month to chat about beautycounter… monthly updates being one. I said on my Instagram stories, that I want my journey with beautycounter to enhance what I am working on with the brokeblonde not to hinder it.

These monthly reviews will be raw and real numbers, hopefully we will see some progress and along the way these tips may help you too!

My goal is not to have these tips tied into MLM’s alone but adaptible into any circumstance you may find yourself in!

From November 28 - December 28 here are the numbers:

Needed 1250 QV (qualifying value) aka $1250 in sales.

If I reach this goal by January 1, 2021 I will be entitled to a $50 Cash and $100 Product Credit.

Spent: $325.19

QV: 500/1250.

Start Up Cost: When launching there is a start up fee, no surprise there but it varies depending if you select Digital Enrollement and Starter Kits. I went with the Counter+ Booster as I already owned the CounterMatch set.

My Goal: I have a monthly affiliate income of $1000.

The Math: This equals to each of my Instagram followers were to purchase 1 Lipstick a YEAR. That is 54 Lipsticks, or on a larger scale it equals to 10 Flawless in Five sets a month.

Target: 100 liptsticks a month. (equivilant)

YTD: Sold Equivilant of 3.33 Lipsticks.

Incentive: For every memeber signed up I offered to cover the annual memebership fee. Cost is $29 annually, and the cheapest item is $36. Showing care to your clients, audience, customer gives them value. There are plenty of avenues for people to order products from, they chose you, be grateful. $29 may not seem like alot but by signing up as a memeber your client will recieve a welcome gift, 10% off their first purchase and free shipping over $125 all of a sudden that small $29 has a large impact.

I decided this would be more valuable to my potential clients than samples. If I have someone who is interested in a product I will gladly give them the resources they need, but saving real dollars is much more attractive than a foil packet, am I wrong? This also SAVES ME MONEY.

Wait what?

Instead of spending money on samples, I am intentionally allocating money towards a guarantee. If I am paying someone’s membership it’s because they have already comitted to making a purchase, so this is my THANK YOU.

Return: $0. I have made zero sales. Yup. That’s it. Just me. (December Sales will be apart of January’s Update).

Other Ideas: I have started to build my “consultant closet.” These are items that I have bought for the purpose of gifting. Whether it’s a giveaway on the blog, or a welcome gift for a consultant who decides to join. Gifts are my love language so this is a personal touch I’ve added.

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Praise Report- 2020


5 Last Minute Gift Ideas