Jilly Box - Spring 2023

It’s tea time.

I’m going to be the first to admit, I am here for the FOMO, and while I’ve been on the fence for a bit about the Jilly Box (I took 2022 off), this was the awakening that in fact, I am not the target market for the Jilly Box. The reason I gave into this spring’s box was based on the spoiler/sized item. It was valued at $85 and I was hoping the rest of the box was going to be just as good, I figured if there were at least 2 more products I liked it would be worth it…. (foreshadowing).

When I heard what was the “big ticket item” I was SHOCKED, They claimed it was valued at $263 CAD! and if you haven’t seen the spoilers…drumroll please: it was for SHAM COVERS!, no inserts included. Enter the #shamscam. I can ALMOST understand the value if it included the inserts, but these long rectangular sham covers are just that, the covers say LOVE and PEACE…which I personally thought we left this trend in 2015…but perhaps not.


I felt because the “high ticket” item was so expensive, the rest of the items this season were filler items, none of which were above $50 in retail value aside from the sized item, which I’m saving to the end. Here’s what else was inside the box: DEW OF THE GODS, Filla Under Eye Collagen Pads valued at ($26 CAD), and Filla PWRNAP Retinol Under Eye Mask valued at ($47 CAD) - which I’ve already sold off, You can buy both for $70 CAD online. There was also a PommeShell Spa Headband valued at ($20 CAD) from Pomme Salon which is a product created by Jillian Harris’ hairstylist…I’ve already got 2 from Ipsy, which are softer and in my opinion nicer than this one, so this will end up in the “gift” box, another item I wasn’t excited about but is at least useful is the PAUME, Exfoliating Hand Cleanser valued at ($30 CAD). Next is tea from TEASE, in the flavour Golden Slumber valued at, $22 CAD the blend includes: Mellow South African rooibos, peppermint and earthy valerian root with undertones of citrus and to pair with your tea are a set of 2 mugs from Fable valued at 37.50. The one thing I wish with these mugs is I wish subscribers would have been able to pick between the colour options (blue or cream), I got blue which doesn’t really go with my aesthetic, plus I haven’t met anyone who needs a mug…I feel like most of us are trying to get rid of mugs.


And the moment you’ve all been waiting for, the sized item. ELA, Micro Belt Bag valued at $85 CAD while I’m happy I’ve got the bag, I was disappointed to find out it’s not exclusive to the box and is available online, and get 10% off (it also comes in other colours).


What are your thoughts on this season’s box? Worth $208 or not? Let me know in the comments!


What We Bought In February


What We Read In January!