KMK - June Edition


It’s Time For Another Round of Kiss, Marry, Kill

Summer is here, at last… or at least it is according to the calendar. I thought it was about time I do another Kiss, Marry, Kill about things I’m currently using and pining over and things where the affair has ended, some of which I think may come to a shock to you so keep scrolling.

KISS - As the days get longer, so do the nights on the patio. However, there are time’s I don’t fancy having a cocktail but want to partake in the summer festivities. I was recently at my friends house where she served my a Mango Guava Hydrator… or at least that’s what I’m calling it.

Here’s what you need: Mango Juice, Guava Juice & Coconut Water… Also Substitutes really well with Mango Bubly, Normal Club Soda or If you wanted to kick it up, you could add Prosseco.

The Ratios: 1/4 Mango Juice, 1/4 Guava Juice, 1/2 Coconut Water. OR 1 Can Mango Bubly, 1/4 Mango Juice, 1/4 Guava Juice.

Second Option is Pineapple & Mango Spritz, Subsitute Guava Juice for Pineapple and Mango Bubly with Pineapple Bubly.

The Ratios: I Can Pineapple Bubly, 1/3 Mango Juice, Splash of Pineapple Juice.

MARRY - This past month I was able to do my first european trip in over two years, and I can’t explain the feeling of traveling agains. It will always fill my cup and it was so special to see my family again. If you haven’t had the chance to travel I would suggest you make it a priority, to book, plan and enjoy an adventure of a lifetime. We spend so much time getting caught up in the “one day” we sometimes forget to commit to a plan — the difference between dreaming and doing is a decision.

The U.K. will always feel like home, and I’m already starting to plan my next visit, but the question is where would you go?

KILL - It might come to you as a bit of a shock if you’ve been around a while, but I’m officially off the Jilly Box subscription list. I am still apart of the lottery should I decided to partake in future boxes, but it just wasn’t worth ihe financial comittment and to be brutally honest, I’m not sad about it.

Here are 3 core reasons as to why:

  1. Most if not all the items are available on the Jilly Marketplace shortly after the box is launched, so if there’s one or two items you really want you have a chance of getting them individually without needing to purchase the entire box.

  2. I found myself like the add-ons more than the actual items in the box. After the intial hype wears off — most of the items I used most often were all add-ons

  3. Repetition, The Jilly Box is not the only box that has done this, I have left other subscriptiosn for the same reason, and that is product repetition. This summer in particular there’s a few repeat items including, Prints, Wax Wraps and Blume coffee substitute, along with repeat brands. Perhaps this is goodbye, or perhaps this is see you later.

What items are you Kiss, Marrying, Killing this season?


Summer Pops — June Ipsy Bag


In Full Bloom