KMK - The Dill-ema

This version of Kiss, Marry, Kill has been a hot topic for well over a year, in fact we have a group conversation called the Pickle Dilema. While it’s still up for debate which in fact is the ideal pickle… cast your vote below, I did think it was about time to dive into the topic just a touch more as we enter pickling season.


Health Benefit to Pickles:

I mentioned a little while back to my email subscribers how I came across the Glucouse Goddess and how it’s reframed how I eat. The premise of Glucose Goddess, isn’t just for her to improve everyone’s health but to educate how we can still enjoy what we eat without the sugary spikes. The key thing I’ve taken away is eat dessert not treats, dress your carbs (listen to the podcast for full details), and match sugar with Fat, Fibre or Protein.

Now you maybe asking, what does this have to do with pickles?

The recommendation is to start your meal with vinegar, why? To slow down how quickly starches break down, communicates our cells to burn fat, and of course level out our glucose.

Of course, instead of shooting Apple Cider Vinegar or any vinegar straight you can have pickles! Aproximately 3 to attain the benefits, and to be clear — you need to ensure there’s been no sugar added to the Vinegar mix.

Now onto the fun dill bits.

Kiss: We’re big chip fans over here, and with so many flavours it’s hard to stay commited for too long, however Ms. Vickie’s has taken over our taste buds for the time being. The Spicy Dill gives the perfect amount of zing keeping us interested with every bite!

Marry: Even as summer is winding down we’re still dreaming of summer picnics and veggie trays, we’re keeping these all year long. Aside from pickles on your burgers and relish on your hot dogs, it was Taylor’s Dill Pickle Salad that really got the conversation going, and we’re still loving it over here. If Dill isn’t you’re thing…not quite sure why you’re reading this, but if you’ve made it this far you deserve to know Taylor’s make other incredible flavours that are not your traditional lettuce filled salads. As for the veggie trays, we love a good dip, and there are times companies take it too far and turn a good thing into a very questionable substance. However, the Dill Pickle Hummus is not one of these errors, infact it has us double dipping!

Kill: As much as we want to stay trendy…there’s certain things we have to draw a line at. To begin with, Dill Pickle and Peanut Butter Ice Cream — now before we knock it we did try it during the summer, but it’s definetley not something we’ll be returning too. Another thing we’re killing is the Snickle, according to TikTok it is a Snickers wrapped in a pickle which sounds even more disturbing, but should we try it? Let us know!


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