Ollia Macarons & Tea

When it comes to sweets my motto is if it's sweet...eat it.

Ollia is a cute little shop on 16th Ave in Downtown Calgary filled with freshly made macarons, it was very hard for me to just pick one...so I didn't, I chose 7! I also tried their in-house lavender lemonade which was very refreshing and complimentary to the rich macarons. My personal favourite flavour was Earl Grey next to the monthly special "Chocolate Parmesan".  I don't have much else to say other than go and try it out yourself!

If you want to get your hands dirty you can sign up for classes and learn how to do it yourself! I would highly recommend it and you typically go home with two flavours and MORE than enough to share. They occasionally have wine nights too.

Hope y'all had a lovely long weekend xo thebrokeblonde


September Monthly Favourites


A is for Alforno.