Saje Favourites - 2018

I love candles but I also have a forgetful brain which isn’t always the combo.But as of Christmas last year I have been using my Saje diffuser a lot more as a supplement for my candles.

I’ve been trying to find a way to share my favourites - so here it is! 

My obsession with Saje started when I was having difficulty sleeping resulting in headaches, now I’m not one to be popping Advil so it was always nice when the Saje girls would come visit the store I used to work at and offer a peppermint halo treatment on our necks.

Needless to say it didn’t take long for me to head down to the store and buy a bottle of this magic for myself. I love the cooling effect it has and it certainly helps relax my muscles. I’m not sure if you’re meant to do this but if I’ve run out of a certain blend for my diffuser I’ll just pop a couple of drops of Peppermint Halo instead. 

This works wonders and is known as the “four-minute - miracle” according to Saje. I also went a little further in my research and asked them for a recommendation that would best pair with the Peppermint Halo and they suggested Pain Release... which I have also used before, I love the bath salts!

When I was in the store I mentioned I had difficulty sleeping and they recommended I try the Stress Release room spray, which I spray around my room and pillows. This little gem is designed to “Relieve tension and reduce symptoms of mild anxiety, such as restlessness and nervousness with this powerful, soothing, calming, and relaxing blend.”- Saje. 

As for blends for your diffuser look for ones with key ingredients like, lavender, chamomile and orange. 

If you’re still stressed out try all three and perhaps get yourself into a routine (click here for ideas), and use the headspace app! 

My Saje journey started over two years ago and my collection has only expanded from there including a diffuser. The entire signature collection, Arrive Revived (a travel essential!), pocket pharmacy and as mentioned before the pain release kit! 

Needless to say I’ve tried it all... well almost all.

What do you use?

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo


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