Summer Bucket List - Review

I feel like I have milked summer as much as possible there’s no denying it, we’ve already had the first frost, snowfall and the leaves are changing colour... yes it’s the end of September and yes it happened in that order. 

I thought now would be a good of time as any to go over my summer bucket list. 

  • Nordic Spa, Canmore. I have yet to complete this however as they are open year round I’m sure I’ll find time in the near future to venture to this beautiful property.

  • Wine Tour, Kelowna. This was a highly successful and relaxing girls getaway for the full run down click here! Needless to say we have already started planning next years.

  • Canoe Lake Louise, Lake Louise. Again didn’t manage to paddle the lake this year, as I started planning or more expensive endeavours, it’s still on the list for when the lake freezes over as for winter my plan is to skate the lake.

  • Calgary Stampede, Calgary. Although not as reckless as previous years, I did manage to pack in a full day to get my stampede fix you can click here to read more. 

  • Complete Date Night YYC passport, Calgary. I’m not even sure I completed a single task however I did screenshot the list and hope to visit these Calgary locations soon!

  • Waterpark West Edmonton Mall, Edmonton. I feel like the further I get down the list the more I realize how short summer is. I didn’t manage to get to Edmonton however I did end up squeezing in a day trip to Vancouver to see what I got up too click here.

  • Rec Room, Calgary. Again this got bumped from the summer list to the winter list, as the weather was so nice we did a lot more picnics and walks so we could enjoy the limited days of sun. 

  • Last but not least Dawgs Game, Okotoks. Yes! This was so fun my first ever, however as it was near the beginning of summer it still cooled off in the evenings so I would still highly recommend jeans, sweater and a blanket and it doesn’t hurt if you’ve got a cuddle buddy either. If baseball isn’t you thing, it is football season so you can always check out a CFL or if you’re lucky enough NFL game. 

I hope you’re summer was just as lovely, no matter how long or short it may have been! Check back to see how I slowly winterize my wardrobe and keep busy to avoid hibernation.


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