September Favourites

I’ve shared this before, but I see September as the month of Revival and Renewal. I know many see January to be the time to do reset, but for me it’s September. It’s a time to reflect and see your progress of the year and still gives you time to course correct if you’re not quite where you want to be. This year in particular September has been a rude awakening. On paper my year has gone quite well, I achieve honours throughout the last school year, I expanded my business more than I thought I would, but there was still something missing.

This year I have felt unsettled.

There has been big changes in my life, and while we’re still coping with the aftershock of 2020, we are starring down 2022 like the barrel of the gun and it’s hard to ignore the tension the past two years has presented. I find myself between a rock and a hard place. There is no solution, and no matter which way you go about things there’s always someone telling you it’s the wrong way.

I call myself a duck. I look calm on the surface while I let myself panic and stress below the surface. After many days/nights on limited sleep I hired Andrea to help with the load. You can introduce yourself to her here or visit Instagram to learn more!

As for my overall well being, it fell to the wayside during the summer as we were in the middle of a move, which is still ongoing as what was meant to be a small update to the house we were returning too has upgraded itself to full blown renovations.

The long hours and lack of peace my diet and physical activity went out the window. When the last week of August rolled around I felt exhausted and a shell. I decided I would get myself back on track, starting with the nutrients my body needed:

Then ensuring I was moving my body: I hadn’t realized at some point over the summer I had removed my Tone It Up app from my phone, and the missing daily reminders truly had an effect on my personal motivation. Tone It Up, if you don’t have the app and are looking for a quick body weight workout I created one last year for womenshealthand fitness day using body weight, or light weights.

I also made sure to give my body enough recovery, this included a healthier diet and meal prepping, something I was quite good at prior to the move. While I dropped weight over the summer my selfcare was not up to par. LMNT

I downloaded one of the Tone It Up Meal Plans to help me get back on track, I will say the grocery bill to get started can be quite expensive if you haven’t got all the bits and bobs already in the house and as you are buying fresh ingredients you could be looking at a $200 bill/week. For some, that’s the same amount you’d spend on a weekend, for others this is what you typically spend on yourself for a month.

This worked for me to get back on track and get re-inspired about cooking again. If you’re on a slightly tighter budget I would suggest giving Hello Fresh, as this will supplement a weeks worth of dinners (if not more, if you’re a single), and click here to get $90 off! If not there’s always Pinterest.

For me When I look good, I feel good. I took the time to treat myself to a haircut and getting my nails done along with updating my beuaty regime. Check out my new Fall skincare routine here, or see what’s new from Dermalogica here! Of course, we can’t forget about Beauty either. I have been using BeautyCounter for well over a year, and as you may know I became a consultant last November…If I’m honest it’s so I could get all the sneak peeks and spoilers of what’s coming next, and I’m not very good at keeping secrets so I’m sharing them with you. You can find this year’s holiday spoilers here!


Jilly Box - Fall 2021


Fall Haul