Spaghetti Day!

I have a confession,

I am not a fan of spaghetti. I don’t know why it’s just not my fave, and forget meat sauce no thank you. Even as a kid I would whine and whinge about having spagbol for dinner. Now that I have control of the stove I can make whatever I please.

At the end of 2020 I attended the Atelier Collective’s virtual event and in the swag box was a box of Chickpea linguine so I figured that was close enough. Chickapea pasta is a chickpea and lentil based pasta with 23g of protein per 100grams and a great source of Vitamin B and Iron.

Here’s what you need (1 Portion):

  • 1 Cup of Frozen Butternut Squash, I’m sure fresh will do just fine, but cook it down first to cut down on cooking time

  • 3 Cremini Mushrooms, sliced and diced

  • 1/4 Cup of chopped Yellow Onion

  • Handful of Fresh Spinach

  • 50g of Chickapea Pasta

  • 1 Clove of Garlic

  • 1 Tbsp of Fat (Oil, Butter, Vegan Alternative).

Heat pan and in separate pot add water for pasta set on high.

In pan add fat, I chose butter because well it tastes good. Toss in the butternut squash, mushrooms, crushed garlic and chopped onion.

At this point add in you Spaghetti into the boiling water and turn down the heat just a touch, just so the water doesn’t bubble over…I’ve been there.

Chickapea only needs about 6mins to cook through, at the 3mins mark add a handful of Spinach to the butternut squash mixture. I don’t toss it around to much as I like my spinach to have a bit of texture. I added some Herbamare salt for taste.

At the six minute mark take apromixately 1/4 cup of the pasta water too lossen up the veggies and then drain pasta and add it to the veggie mix on low heat and incorporate.

Tada! Lunch is served…and healthy.

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Best of Beauty - 2020