You asked for it so here it is!

Many of you are like me and can’t wait to take a peek inside to see what goodies are hiding.

So, your wish is my command.

The first spoiler is from Saje. The AM & PM items are different, so you don’t have to worry about duplicates.

This item will be in both VIP and General however the size/package/style will be different.

CLUE: It’s NOT peppermint halo.

I love it dearly and I’m sure if you know anything about Saje you know about their peppermint halo which is exactly why I didn’t want it. I wanted to showcase something different and special Saje has to offer.

I was able to do a walkthrough with Maria at Saje’s Southcentre location and I shared what the event was about and we came up with some great options! I can’t wait for you to see what' we chose.

After announcing Saje as a spoilers sparked a couple more questions, so I thought I’d share a few more details.


Jessica Ecclestone is a RMT, Yoga Instructor, Spin Instructor and Owner of Touch and Release. Since COVID-19 Jess has had to pivot hard, she will be taking the stage in the morning to walk us a through a guided medatation and goal setting activity along with some helpful stretches to help your body as you spend your days infront of countless zoom calls.


Jessica Janzen Olstad is an Author, Philanthropist and Founder of Love for Lewiston. She will be joining us for the evening portion to share and challenge us. Being motivated is only apart of reaching our goals but what happens when that stops and how can we find the joy in the rough, tough, daily and mundane. Get ready to be set on fire and launch into your next season.

If you haven’t bought your ticket yet, not to worry there is still time! Earlybird is now over, but if you are needing a payment plan option send me a message and we can sort something out!

As we are still in a pandemic I understand you may have questions or concerns, I have answered the most popular concerns here, if you have anymore please reach out!

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December Favourites - 2020


Spaghetti Day!