Introducing Watermark

While I think it’s important to recognize International Women’s Day, I believe support needs to go deeper and further which is why I started doing a monthly feature back last summer. With being forced to do the majority of our communication and relationship building virtually I wanted a space where we could ask deeper questions and get to know the Who and Why behind the brands and people we follow on social media.

This month, I wanted to feature a power couple who have recently…I mean in the last week recently, decided to take on a new challenge during this already challenging season. Meet Jenn and Carrie, co-founders of Watermark.
While I haven’t had a chance to sit down with them face-to-face, I did manage to e-interview them to get all the juicy details of their new venture!

Jenn and Carrie met at age 13, at their first job which led them to a backpacking adventure through Southeast Asia, and as their friendship has grown through the different seasons of life so have their dreams and passion, creating the path leading to creating Watermark.

As much as this sounds like a great script for a movie they were sure to include the fact it hasn’t been entirely smooth sailing. There have been valleys throughout the years including layoffs, losing touch, and not to mention a global pandemic. It was only by God’s design these two were made to create something greater than themselves.

Watermark has a simple but meaningful concept. High-quality, faith-based lifestyle goods to their community. Jenn and Carrie wanted a place where you not only can shop for gorgeous pieces for your home and gifts to bless others, but you would feel God’s love through the products being sold and the heart behind the store.

Even though friendships have their difficulties these two decided to go into business together honouring the skills each of them has to bring to the table as well as their differences. After taking the time to forgive, and pour back into one another, Watermark symbolizes growth, strength, and celebration of true friendship.

Watermark was born out of a conversation and rapidly took off from there. With the uncertainty of the economic climate in 2020, Jenn and Carrie took the time to re-think their plans for the future. With a lot of disruption within their industries, they decided now was as good of a time as any to launch their dream business.

Now the concept was in place it was time to create a name. Watermark, was chosen as a timeless word while suiting the needs of a modern concept. They wanted to have their faith take the driver's seat, and the Bible references water throughout the books. Even though it may not be visible or obvious at first the products that arrive in-store and are brought into your home have been blessed, not only by the creators but the curators.

The products sold in the shop are the details every house needs to make it feel like a home and tie the room together. From colours, texture, and materials, they sell various styles and products to fit every need. What makes Watermark special isn’t just the products, it's the intention behind them. Every product in the store has a reflection of their faith. Whether it has been designed or made by Christian owners, every piece has been thoughtfully chosen. In a world so caught up in its mess, Jenn and Carrie hope Watermark can bring peace into each home that purchases an item from their store, knowing that God is with you through it all sun or storm, God is in the day-to-day.

Jenn and Carrie also want to support the people and communities around them, and through Watermark, they have the opportunity to give as another way to share God’s love and goodness. With that, a portion of their sales goes towards supporting A21 who is one of the largest organizations in the world that is solely fighting human trafficking.

As much as Jenn and Carrie have big dreams to be in everyone’s home across the country, even the world, they have a heart for their home of Calgary. When Jenn is not working, you can find her in Mission enjoying brunch or dinner, or walking her dog along the river. Carrie loves taking time outside of the office to enjoy walks through the City’s Provincial Parks.
While work-life balance isn’t always possible (especially when launching a business), coffee makes it seem possible. I always ask my interviewees their favourite coffee orders. For Jenn, she likes a splash of cream and sugar in hers…unless of course, she’s treating herself to a half-sweet vanilla latte from Starbucks.

If Carrie is at home she likes to add Collagen to her coffee (just like me!), mixed with a little cream, and to make it special gives it a quick whip to froth the milk and tops it with cinnamon…doesn’t sound like she needs any help from Starbucks! But if she is out on a coffee date she’s always looking for the best in town so if you have any recommendations let us know in the comments below! Coffee is serious business around here.

Be sure to send some love over to Watermark and follow them on Instagram @thewatermarkshop, and visit them at to check out their newly launched pieces!

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Jilly Spring Box - 2021


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