I would be lying if I didn’t say this past year hasn’t felt like a spinning teacup.

One of the ways I’ve had to change course for the event I planned for fall 2020, which was then bumped to spring 2021 to now November 13, 2021 (I’m treading lightly with this statement).

However with all the changes, I decided whether or not this event happens I wanted to create something to bring the spirit of the event into your home, and no I’m not talking virtual.

When designing this event I had built it surrounding 4 key pillars, Faith, Fire, Focus, and Future. After spending some time developing this idea I had a couple of friends come alongside me and share they felt I was missing a couple strong support pillars and those were Fear and Feel.

I’ll be diving deeper into these for when we meet, but for now here’s what you’ll find in your box and how they connect with the event.

Faith has always been a part of my journey, this year more than ever. I’ve had to step out of my comfortability and walk boldly in faith. Part of processing hardships for me is writing and using my words to share stories and express emotions is how I connect with others.

In the box you will have a gorgeous notebook from The Watermark Shop. If you don’t know their story or their mission go and read the interview I did with them earlier this spring! You will receive one of three beautiful designs, and why not sit with a delicious hot cup of coffee From Deville as you meditate, set goals, and dream!


When I say fire I don’t mean lighters and matches, I mean the fire in your soul, the nudges in your heart you need to listen to so you use your gifts for impact. This past year some have been able to set a fire and run towards their dreams, others have struggled to get up and face the day. I am honoured to have Jessica Janzen as a friend, mentor, and speaker for this event, but as we eagerly wait our turn to meet I have included her book Bring The Joy in the box to get your hearts prepared for what’s about to come!

Focus can be a difficult task these days, I am guilty of having a never-ending list of things to do and getting quickly distracted to a more, urgent, exciting, or enticing task. With the help of Saje’s Stress Release Roller and a copper ring these tools will help us all focus on making 2021 the year we won’t forget (for the better). Remember Busy isn’t always Good, Focus and Productivity can give us time back to be less “busy” and enjoy the things we want to spend more time doing.

Future, better things are on the horizon I can feel it. As we plan ahead we also want to look and feel our best, there have been many days where I have lived in the same pair of loungewear/sweats over the past year, now things are opening up it’s time to put our best foot forward, throw your hair up in a ponytail with a cute scrunchie, put on some lipgloss as we say farewell to masks and remind yourself even if the past 18 months may not have gone the way we planned, you have every right to keep your head held high, along with your ponytail know your worth and keep those standards high you deserve every bit of it!

I can’t wait to see all your beautiful smiling faces in November Tickets are still available, and YES VIP Boxes will be different too these, I’m not going to give you a repeat box…that would be boring.

One Final Detail, the box retails for $85 CAN Value is over $130, We are currently only shipping throughout Canada. For my Calgary readers there is an option to organize a local pickup/drop off simply use the code LOCALPICKUP.


Jilly Box Unboxing - Summer 2021


Queen of Vanilla