Words We’re Saying Goodbye To In 2023


It’s not unusual for people to pick a “word of the year”, however over the past few years, I’ve tried to focus on eliminating certain words from my vocabulary or at least make myself more aware of the context in which I use them.

In 2022 I wanted to be intentional with the words: No, Sorry, Busy, and Love. I wanted my no to be strong and firm. Sorry’s to be genuine and thoughtful, love to be deeply felt not an adjective, and avoid busy as an excuse.

These sentiments are something I strive to continue in 2023.

This year there are a few more words added to the dump pile — these ones came from npr (they create a list of ten) and we decided to break down a few of the ones that we’re removing as well.


For those who don’t know, GOAT is The Greatest Of All Time.

Just the other week the discussion rose if GOAT was actually valid or if it should be the Greatest of OUR Time. There is so much in this world and so many generations of excellence that GOAT devalues those who have gone before and blazed the trail and compares the ones who are about to rise up.


While things may seem Amazing it’s time to retire this word and call in some substitutes. We flipped through the thesaurus and found some exciting words to elevate your language this year: Excellent, Brilliant, Fantastic, Captivating, and Incredible.

We hope you have an Amazing 2023, using these new words ;).


While Absolute is a complete agreement with a statement or equation, adding an -ly weakens your writing, when it comes to active voice avoid using filler words: Really, Truly, Absolutely etc…


I work really hard.

I work hard or I put in a lot of effort.

I truly hope this works.

I hope this works or this will work.

I can absolutely get this done by Friday.

I will have this done by Friday.


According to NPR this buzzword has had its time in the limelight and is working its way back into the shadows. We’re not ones to jump onto bandwagons but we’re not sad to see this one go. It’s not that quiet if it’s on TikTok Right? However, that’s not to say if you don’t like your work situation you shouldn’t stand up for your rights, or change your environment. It’s your life and you’ve worked hard for your expertise.


This is another passive comment. It doesn’t have to be. You can change your situation if you don’t like a situation. If you’re waiting for permission here it is: You are allowed to feel your feelings, and then you can work towards a better alternative. Rough things happen, life has challenges you’re allowed to sit in the suck, then share the stuck and move forward

What’s Your Word Of The Year?


January Trends


KMK January: Meal Prep