A Year In Review - 2020


If I had to describe 2020 I would use the word dumpster fire or curveball. Things went sideways in both my personal and professional life, but I’m looking into 2021 with a refreshed sense of hope…with a touch of realism.

Do I think I will back to flying, not likely.

Do I think I will be in a relationship, not counting on it.

Do I think I will continue to grow into who I’m meant to be, absoutley.

1/3 I’ll call that a win.

I have dreams to travel and visit family, but I remind myself I cannot control these things. As I step back and look at 2020 I think of the things I can and could control and am I happy with the outcome. For the most part the answer is yes. I continued with my blog, I navigated challenges, I continued to save for my one day home and I went back into full-time education even though it was online.

For the past two years I have been using Rachel Hollis’ start today journal method, and this year was the first year I actually had a branded notebook but essentially its, 5 things you’re grateful for each day, 10 dreams and 1 goal.

I thought I’d share with you what I wrote Jan, 1st and what I am writing today.

Jan 1, 2020

  • I have 1000 email subscribers

  • I have $1000 monthly affiliate income

  • I have matched my income (30k)

  • I have 12 weeks annual vacation

  • I am cco of thebrokeblonde

Dec 1, 2020

  • I have a sold out event

  • I have 1000 email subscribers

  • I have $1000 monthly affiliate income

  • I have matched my income (30k)

  • I am cco of thebrokeblonde

Things have drastically changed over this past year, and my goals are scary on paper… they’re meant to be. I decided not to share them all with you because some things are better left a mystery. One things I did explore this year was how to gain a passive income to hit my 1K$ in affiliates goal. I have promo codes available on the blog for various websites and services that I use often like Hello Fresh and Rakuten. But because I haven’t hit my 10K following on Instagram, and likely won’t for the next few years I had to get creative with how I could generate this income.

I decided beautycounter was the best fit for me as I like the products so I don’t have to go out and “sell” to people and having tried and failed miserably at MLM’s before I know what not to do. I have given myself a year to try it out and see what happens and if nothing comes of it at least I got a discount on my skincare for a year.

I did the math and I with my current 1200 followers on Instagram and if all HALF of followers bought 1 lip gloss a YEAR I would hit my target…how CRAZY is that.

After trying various methods of MLM’s in my history, I have come to learn a few things.

  1. Be prepared to talk about it openingly — like any story people want to know your WHY, exactly how I’ve explained above. They want to know about you, a good lipstick is easy to come by. Beautycounter has a great reputation for clean beauty products but it’s really YOU people are investing in!

  2. Be generous, with time and money — like all companies it takes money to make money. I have personally found it more beneficial to giveaway and showcase full size products rather than samples. It’s always great to have a couple samples in the back pocket for those who are curious, but be prepared to lose money before you gain it back. Most people try and sell you on MLM’s because it’s a quick win, I know and have learned from experience it’s not, and that’s O.K! Starting January I will be sharing with you my numbers monthly and share some tips on what I am doing.

  3. Be creative. — have fun with what you’re doing whether it’s a MLM, an Etsy shop or a promotion. Take time to think outside the box and find what works for you and what makes you special. I have created incentives that value potential clients and customers. Once a month I will be doing a group order, this is for non-members so there is no comittment and they save on shipping! For the month of December I am offering to cover the $29 membership fee for new clients. This way they not only get 10% off their first order, plus a welcome gift, they also don’t have to worry about the fee!

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Meet the Creator: Kristen Young


Winter Jilly Box - 2020