Bring The Joy Is Here!

Hi Blondies!

Long Weekend is Here, and while I know for most of us not much will change it’s finally sunny and it’s a good excuse to pour a cocktail. plan family time, sit in the sun and read a good book …which brings me to the very special feature piece! I have had this in my back pocket for a while and I am SOOOO excited to share it with you!

Meet Jess!

Jessica Janzen Olstad is a mother of three: One, Lewiston is in heaven. He passed away shy of six months from spinal muscular atrophy. SMA is a condition that causes nerve cells in brain and spinal cord to break down and die. Jess decided to channel her pain and decided to work towards a cure. She began the Love for Lewiston foundation and in three short years the foundation has raised more than $700,000!!! From birthday fundraisers, rooftop spin classes and ultra marathons to pop-up shops and a clothing line, Jessica is doing everything she can so that children like Lewiston can have a brighter future.

Early this year, Jessica announced she was publishing her first book called Bring the Joy which has been in the works since 2013 is now available at in all formats including audio, and in paperback on both of which will contribute $2.50 of each book sale towards the Love for Lewiston foundation.

Jessica has decided to self publish as she believes this story needs to be shared. In fact she believes “we all have stories that have be shared.” When asked what the motivation behind the book was she replied,“You can choose to use the pain as rocket fuel, you can choose to let it change you and make you better.”

The book not only touches on Lewiston, but the Olstad family as a whole, how Jessica and her husband, “Hot” Ronnie fought for their marriage.

Jess shares her reasoning for taking this bold, life changing step, “If you trust the nudges of your heart […]you get a nudge to do something, then the nudge leads to a choice, you get a choice and then the choice leads to the joy."

For more information on Jessica, the Olstad Family and all things the Love for Lewiston campaign, including their apparel, visit The goal for 2020 is to raise 1 Million Dollars for SMA and with COVID -19 taking a hit to all large events, the foundation has had to get creative in ways to raise funds, join them on Instagram May 25th to celebrate Lewiston’s 4th Birthday!

Thanks so much for reading this special post!

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo


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