Clean Up Your Desk!

I have a clutter problem. I loved tidying and organizing but most often times after I am done I blink and there’s already something on my desk or counter that I thought I just put away…I am slowly working on it but it’s a hard habit to break.

However, last week during my time off I did sort through a large portion of the junk in the office to make space and cleaned up my desk so I could actually put my laptop on it.

As many see January as a time for new beginnings and the interweb has deemed today as #cleanyourdeskday, I figured I would share with you some of my office must-haves.

Starting with chargers and adapters.

  • phone charger,

  • my laptop charger,

  • an USB adapter, a

  • CF - USB adapter,

  • SD - USBC adapter,

  • your brain gone numb yet with all the adapters?

Next is notebooks and pens, I am a pen and paper kind of gal. Using goggle calender is like pulling teeth with me, I need to write it down and yes I carry an agenda don’t @me.

  • Sharpie pens work for me as well as Bic Intensity Fine, I love have multiple colours to mark things…as long as they don’t bleed through which is why I prefer these of highlighters

  • Notebooks, I either use legal pads to I can scribble all over them or I like to use Notebooks from Chapters/Indigo that come in the 3-pack they are slim and lightweight perfect to go into a handbag

  • As for Agenda’s I have been loving the wide and silm style lately as they can fit almost anywhere, for the longest time I used Kate Spade but I found them to be too chunky when I was carrying it around outside of school and they also changed to designs to be less descrete.

  • Sticky notes are also a must on my desk, I feel like my brain goes a million miles a minute, so if someone has asked me to do as task or I needed to respond to an email five minutes ago I need a reminder…out of sight out of mind. (same goes for texts, if you haven’t heard from me in a while shoot me another text).

Books and other accessories.

  • Throughout the day I typically find myself needing a change of pace so I have various items on my desk that trigger certain cues, I have books — to take a reading break, I have a notebook to create, I have water to hydrate which may sometimes lead to a work out, I have Saje roller — various scents for various moods and usually a cup of coffee or two, most likely gone cold.

  • I also have my camera on the desk in case there is content I need to shoot

  • And I feel like with most of us ladies, we play with our hair throughout the day so I have a scrunchie pot…yup it was meant to be a planter but I filled it with scrunchies instead.

That is all for what is on my desk, I’d love to hear and see what you have on your desk and how you give yourself reminders to take a break or shift gears as you WFH.

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