Meet Your Personal Concierge


Do you ever have that ah-ha moment, where you meet someone and go YUP. I like you. Well, this is exactly how I met Jenn Rowles, also known on social as @mypersonalconcieregeyyc.

I met her last year, as we shared a dining room table working on our various projects as we got to talking, and it turns out we share the same birthday… a few years apart but nonetheless we’re twins. So, of course, this past birthday we had to celebrate in the best way we knew how… a boujee brunch! We are both Egg Benedict connoisseurs so it was only fitting. However, I learned during our brunch date that Jenn’s guilty pleasure is a greasy spoon with extra crispy potatoes and mediocre at best cup of coffee.

I found Jenn’s work super interesting “what exactly do you do as a personal concierge?!” Exactly.

Whatever your heart desires…well almost. Here is a list of the several services Jenn provides:

  • Personal Shopping

  • House Maintenance

  • Laundry Services

  • Vehicle Maintenance

  • Food Services

  • Vacation Coverage

  • Personal Assistance

  • Event Planning

  • Small Business Services

Jenn stands out from other service-based companies because she enjoys taking the time to find out just what her clients' needs are and how she can best meet them. If there is something that you need assistance with that isn’t listed above feel free to reach out to Jenn to organize a Free Consult.

When it comes to business, any business there are always parts we enjoy more than others. For Jenn organization is her jam! While we may not be able to enter each other’s homes right now it won’t stop Jenn from helping you organize. Founding My Personal Concierge YYC just weeks before COVID-19 took over the world, pivoting is all Jenn knows.

Like most small businesses Jenn has taken to the internet to provide virtual consultations, collaborations, and services.

After almost 25 years in corporate Human Resources, Jenn came to the realization that she was “living for the paycheque, not the pay cheque allowing her to live” — her joy in the industry started to fade. While she still has such a passion for structure and legislation, the toxic work environment had Jenn feeling she was working for the exact thing she hated to begin with only to have the capability to purchase things she didn’t need to feel a split second of joy. After taking some time to consider what truly brought her joy and core values at 44 Jenn jumped into entrepreneurship!


Taking her gifts from something that caused stress into a place that brought her joy, by being able to help people who only wished they had her skillset. It’s safe to say this new venture has been a journey as she loves structure and plans and consistency… not only adapting to the pandemic while being an entrepreneur but she also lives with OCD the life of My Personal Concierge has definitely been a ride. However, this had made Jenn all the better at her job because she is very particular about things being perfect and always planned out. 

Another thing about Jenn is she loves to mentor and provide guidance to other entrepreneurs, and how to grow outside of social media. Coming from a corporate background she has a unique perspective on how companies are built and some key fundamentals that should be put in place. Like most companies, growth isn’t done alone, My Personal Concierge has grown with experience and support from her husband, friends, and family. Don’t be afraid to reach out to those who are around you, or who you follow on social media.

I always like to end on a coffee order, just in case you see Jenn running around, or you want to give a little extra thank you for the work she has done. Like a true twin, her coffee order is the same as mine -- a Black Americano. However, if she’s being fancy (or it’s in season) a good latte will do the trick especially if eggnog is involved.

While you can’t go wrong with a Starbucks when you’re on the run, Jenn did mention she loves to support local coffee shops in her area including Monogram, Rosso, Neighbour, and Distilled Beauty Bar (which serves Rosso) but Analog is the overall preferred. 

If you are in need of a Personal Concierge for any task listed above you’ve been dreading to do, email Jenn at She has also offered $15 off your first 4 hours of concierge or collaborative home organization services (Reg: $160). Be sure to use the code “Broke Blonde” in your email!

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