Dermalogica Masterclass

Hello Blondies!

Summer is arriving, days are getting longer and sun is getting hotter. I am not one who loves sunscreen, but I have really moley skin which means SPF is super important. Dermalogica recently launched their newest physical sunscreen, which peaked my interest because this one doesn’t leave a white cast! Say goodbye to those Life Guard sunscreen noses.

Now before this launch I had been using Dermalogica’s prism protect. This is what you call a Chemical sunscreen that is blended into a moisturizer.

As the pandemic has tipped many things on it’s head, Dermalogica decided to launch a zoom call masterclass to demostrate and share the features in the new sunscreen. Brooke did a great job walking us through the masterclass full of education.

I thought I would share with you the things I found valuable and what I learn that may help you make the decision to try this new sunscreen. Just a heads up, the tickets were open to the public and the cost was $25 which included a mini set of the entire cleansing process with a sample of the sunscreen. I did like the product which is why I felt I should share it but this is not a paid or gifted experience…but hopefully one day.

A couple fun facts about Dermalogica:

  • They do not use artificial lanolin or mineral oil (block), only vegetable oils and no stripping alcohol.

  • They are Gluten free and vegan

  • They use a blend of Nature & Science

  • All dermalogica products are ph balanced

Did you know we lose half a litre of water through our skin a day and most of the water we drink internally doesn’t make the skins surface, this is why it’s important to use moisturizers and other hydrating products.

I found out that the difference between skin type and skin condition, which I found super interesting. Skin Type is our genetic makeup we are unable to change it but with the right tools (products) we can mantain and manage. Dry Skin is those lacking in oil and lips, Sensitive Skin however is different to sesnitisation. The genetic type is typically fair skin, thin and you can usaully see viens. Sesnitisation as a skin conidition is where there’s a reaction. disclaimer, I am using the bullet notes I took during the class, so if there are some discrepencies feel free to let me know and do you’re own research. Other skin conditions include Congestion, Dehydration, and pre-mature againg… unfortunately we can’t stop aging but we can direct how our skin ages, interesting hey?!

Here were some ingredients that were suggested to help with the various skin problems we may find:

Salicylic Acid - kills bacteria, anti inflammatory and exfoliated
Retinol - Reduces Fine lines , texture, hyperpigmintation works as an anti-oxidant
Vitamin C - anti-oxidant for the skin, brightens and firm
Hylauronic Acid - hydrates and reduces fine lines, soothes dry skin
Pulls water and locks it in the skin
Lactic Acid - Brigthen, hydrates and exfoliates AHA

The importance of double cleansing:

Do you double cleanse? For the longest time I was a makeup wipe only kinda of girl, after a 14hour day the last thing I wanted to do wa spend 10 mins on a skincare routine… but after watching too many Caroline Hirons videos I got the message. If you are like 2018 Holly here are some reasons you should consider double cleasning.
Step 1: Cleansing oils pull aways dirt and pollution and removes makeup, I would highly recommend the pre-cleanse. It’s a game changer, if you want something a bit more affordable I have been using clinque’s take the day off balm and if you are so lucky to get your hands on Caroline Hirons x Pixi double cleanse, I’ve heard that’s great, I wouldn’t doubt it, I just haven’t tried it, my local shoppers drug mart doesn’t carry it.
Step 2: Is to treat the skin and balance the skin, I find my skin dehydrated from time to time so I really try to do the double cleanse even on the days I just don’t feel like it, and then I add an oil. I have noticed a difference, and so have others (I know this because of the compliments haha).

The importance of exfoliation: This promotes cell renewal, old skin cells shed off which helps reduce signs of ageing. I typically used to only exfoliate once a month, I cringe even writing that. After this past year trying to really focus on my skin more than the makeup I worked to exfoliate once every two weeks, and then this fall/winter when I was gifted the Daily Trio Set from Dermalogica that’s when I began to use it daily. I was always so worried that exfoliation would be too harsh on my skin, but when the bottle says Daily, I knew it would be gentle. During the call I found out a secret trick for you busy ladies out there called the
Power cleanse, this is when you mix the Special Cleansing Gel along with the Daily Microfoliant so you can get 2 steps on in one go!

Now that skins all clear time to add the lotions and potions, for me it’s my Hydration serum, I love using my rose quartz roller for lymphatic drainage (sounds fancy) but really its to help blood flow and decrease those puffy eyes YES PLEASE! If you don’t have a roller, no fret a cold spoon can do the trick. During the call I learned another trick to keep cool in the summer is to leave your toner or cucumber water in a spray bottle in the fridge so you always have a way to stay refreshed or you can use it as a setting spray, of for hot flashes (if you’re there yet), or you may have other targeted treatments you like to use. Then there is SPF also known as Dermal Layering. It’s important to have an SPF that covers both UVA and UVB rays, UVA helps to decrease signs of aging and B is to avoid the burn. The thing that makes this sunscreen so special is the fact that Dermalogica has gone above and beyond and realised how damaging the blue light from our screens and devices can be and they have included blocking properties in their new formula to proctect us.

A few more features of this new suncreen include:

  • Zinc oxide

  • Ultra sheer non nano

  • Matcha green tea

After my first use I can say that I am already a fan of this product and I look forward to giving it a full go over the summer months. It is recommended to re-apply every two hours to avoid the nasty sunburns!

I Hope you found this helpful and gave you some insight into how to keep your skin healthy this summer!


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