Father’s Day Gift Guide

Hello Blondies,

Father’s Day is rapidly approaching, to be honest I am a little ahead of the game this year, because 98% of the time Father’s Day is the same weekend of my mum’s birthday and this year it’s an entire week after, which I only just found out so hooray for extra time!

I always find Father’s Day presents that much more difficult because I’m sure like most they “don’t want anything” yet they also never go out and buy themselves anything either so I thought I would share a couple fun ideas and some hopefully useful gifts.
While I personally don’t love giving gift cards as presents (I do however love receiving them), I did get a little creative last year and bought my dad a “season pass” to Village Ice Cream, which essentially is enough one 1 Ice Cream a month, or in our case 3 Family Trips. I wasn’t going to mention it this year but with all the COVID chaos, it might be an idea to help keep our favourite local shops stay open during this madness, although thankfully there does seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

If you wanted to go down the route of giving a gift to open, while still shopping local I would suggest I semi DIY Beer Box. I am in no way handy but Primrose Lifestyle has these gorgeous beer caddy’s which you can fill with your dad’s favourite 6 pack or you could go to your local brewery or liquor store and pick up a selection of various craft beers.

For the non-drinker dad’s you fill the caddy with vintage style pop bottles or enjoy the drink yourself give the bottle a rinse and re-fill it with dad’s favourite sweets, or nut medley, I know my dad loves pistachios and cashews so I’ve ordered some snack bags from Handfuel. Pringles also make. a great fit into dad’s new favourite “work kit”. Another option for the fisherman dad would be to fill a clear box with his favourite goodies and create his very own “tackle box”.

I don’t if your family is anything like mine but it seems that over the summer holidays card games seem to be never ending, so that’s where the idea for Dad’s at home Casino came to mind, depending on what you already have in your game cupboard and how competitive your family is depends on what sort of games you choose to add to the Casino Kit, whether it’s poker chips, or dice or another family game like rook, dutch blitz, amonia, pit you could always throw in a spare pack of cards…there’s always a card or two that seem to go for a wander ever now and then.

My dad over the past few years has been working hard at growing our garden, however the bunnies and birds always seem to beat him to the harvest. One thing I wish I had thought of early was getting him a gardening starter kit that would include a couple packs of seeds, a hose head and some of the essential gardening tools (especially gloves) along with a few bits and pieces to help keep his produce in tacked. For an example i’ve heard marigolds keep the bunnies away and copper tape along the parameter of the garden helps to keep slugs aways from your strawberries.

If you’re dad is more grill over garden, a new BBQ set is always a great option along with a few homemade (or store bought) rubs….to make it homemade you could always use a mason jar and a homemade sign.

To give dad a night off from cooking you could always have a pizza night, if I am cooking I use the recipe from Fraiche Food Full Heart and then use olive oil as my base with crispy prosciutto, roasted Brussel sprouts, chopped fig, drizzle of honey and diced pecans. If I’m ordering I’ll go for a Veggie Pizza from Una or Famoso…all depending how far I am willing to drive. If you are planning on hosting or simply ordering for more than just yourself I would recommend looking into getting a pizza stand, Primrose has recently come out with a new design which you can custom order to hold as many pizza’s as your heart desires.

I have yet to meet a dad who doesn’t enjoy coffee. I have created 2 “avatars” so to speak when I was curating this list, the first is the WFH dad this includes, a coffee press, coffee beans, a mug, socks and some books, that way he can lock himself in his office for hours without being disturb, depending on how extreme your budget is (mine is not) I’m sure you could always throw in some airpods, beats or really anything to keep his work space quiet. The other avatar is the casual coffee, the weekend drinker out on the porch or while he’s working away in the garage or garden. This still includes the necessities like the coffee beans and press, but don’t forget the grinder and a Yeti mug so it will stay warm no matter how long his “5 minute” project takes.

The last one is for the “Dad Bod” aka the gym kit or as of right now the garage gym kit. My dad is a runner and burns through his trainers so this is always a good excuse to buy him a new pair and if he is picky a sport chek, sporting life, running room, wherever gift card will do the trick, I like to think I keep my dad somewhat stylish (or as much as he’ll let me) so I take full advantage of helping him pick out his new kicks. I also would recommend a shave/wash kit, this is a nice way of giving your dad deodorant along with some fancier soaps we know he would never buy without having to come out right and say “I can tell you work out, you stink”, and to avoid wrapping , should you choose, you can put it all in a new gym bag because lets be honest the one with duct tape is not holding anything aside from the stink you can smell from the garage.

Hope these are helpful ideas, or at least get your mind going for some ideas that could work for your dad, husband or whoever fits this criteria.

**If you want to make you dollar stretch even further you can sign up for Rakuten today which will not only give you a percentage back on your purchase but also 5$ for joining…this is a cheque not credit! I use mine for lululemon, sephora and indigo the most.


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