FabFitFun - Fall Box 2017

I am aware the fall box review seems to be right on the heels of the summer box, that is partly due to when they arrived. You can click here to read my thoughts on the summer box! 

Now back in 2015 I did subscribe to fabfitfun but I didn't quite feel it was worth it for me at the time. Over the past 2 years I have seen improvement on the boxes and decided to give it another go. Like any other subscription box there will always be an item or two that doesn't take your fancy. What I do with these items is create a "gift box" so when it comes round to birthdays and christmases I have a little stockpile of add-ons or even full gifts. 

Unfortunately or Fortunately this fall box has a couple of these items this time around. 

Let's start with the stuff I am keeping!

As I am a select member I am able to choose what colours I would like in certain products. The Mer Sea Scarf is one of those items. I chose the white ombre because it is large enough to go over my bed as a blanket and the white suits my room best. However as cozy as it is I would not pay 98$ USD for a scarf, but to find it in a 50$ box it was a pleasant surprise.

My tagalongs pack is only 15$ USD but probably one of the most practical items in this seasons box. This little guy can be heated to keep you warm and soothe those muscles during the fall and winter but a be frozen for those warmer spring days I am already looking forward too. 

Whish Renewing Mud Mask. I haven't used anything by Whish before but I have high hopes because I am a big fan of mud masks. This X ml bottle is a 48$ Value. 

This next product peaked my interest because it has been popping up on my insta feed. This is the Molr Carbon Teeth Whitening Kit. Total Value 33.95$ USD. We shall see if it makes my teeth any whiter. 

Moving on to the things that I am going to pass on. 

Tristique Lip Crayon Value 28$ USD. Nothing against the lip product just not my shades and I prefer a matte liquid lip versus and creme finish. 

Deco Cuticle Oil 12.50$ USD Value. I am not one to do my nails very often and if I do it's usually for a special occasion so I treat myself to a spa service instead.

Imm Living Jewelry holder. 33$ USD Value. Again I don't have a ton of jewelry so there is no need for an holder to take up more counter space when I already have pegs on my wall. 

The next two items are ones I have yet to decide on. 

Gym Bag 59$ USD Value. I love the saying on the bag and the size is great however the denim just isn't my style this one will be in my closet for a bit to see if I gravitate towards it. If I haven't used it by the holiday  it will be transferred to the "gift box". 

Jet Setter Beanie 49$ USD Value. Again it'll be hanging out near by, but I tend to gravitate towards hats and then give up on them...so we shall see if the same thing happens with this guy. 

And that is it! My long winded run down of this seasons Fab Fit Fun Box. 

If it peaked your interest you can subscribe here!!

If not, may your candles be lit and your blankets be cozy. 

Big Love, thebrokeblonde.


Hollydays - Nashville


FabFitFun - Summer Box 2017