Hollydays - Nashville


I was recently able to knock off a MAJOR goal off my bucket list and that was to head to Nashville! Unfortunately there wasn’t a direct flight from YYC to BNA so I flew the red eye on Thursday to Toronto, that way I had most of Friday in Nashville  through to Monday. 

There is so much to do I know I’ll have to back again ... and maybe again to feel like I’ve done it justice. 

I have friends that live there so they showed me their Nashville instead of the tourist Nashville so the Grand Ol Opry has already been added to the “next time” list. 

Jumping into what I did do in Nashville was eat... a lot. I swear I can back 10lbs heavier. First place we went was no surprise. 12th South a really well known area of town and food everywhere, but we started with something particularly southern. Hot Chicken Sandwich from Edley’s BBQ, even writing this I’m craving another one. This came with two sides and a drink, I obviously chose sweet tea, but found out the ideal mix is half sweet half unsweetened, as for the sides I went with... when I say “I” I mean it was chosen for me because I just HAD to try it, that was the potato salad and banana pudding. To say I was slightly disappointed when I saw a tub of banana pudding on my tray might be an understatement as I am not a fan of bananas in things (aside from banana bread) and nor is pudding one of my faves. After a first “try” I had to retract my statement, I don’t know what happens but it’s some kind of magic when those two things combined because I have been dreaming of it since! 

Next on the list was Five Daughters Bakery. When people talk of heaven, I picture a room filled with these. I found out about them through aimlessly (or purposefully) scrolling though Pinterest to hunt down the best treats in Nashville. This did not disappoint I wish I remembered what flavours I chose, with the help of photographs I know one was Cranberry and I think it was either Vanilla Cream or The Purist. Fair warning don’t leave it too late in the day, once their out you’re S.O.L.

On the way back down the road we popped into a coffee pick me up at Frothy Monkey. I would highly recommend the monkey mocha and yes there’s banana in it... did I mention I’m not a fan, I think Nashville is out to prove me wrong. 

After all the sweets and treats there was no real need for dinner so we went with the liquid diet option, the weather was gorgeous so we took full advantage of the patio once the sun had set we decided it was best to fill our bellies with something before we headed down to Broadway, so back up to 12South for some tacos alongside some margaritas at Taqueria Del Sol. Once we made it to Broadway via Uber (which was my first time ever, and what a lifesaver)we did some bar hopping including Acme, Florida Georgia Line House which has an awesome rooftop. Another thing I love about Broadway is no cover! So you’re free to hop wherever you like without feeling like you’re flushing money down the drain. Aside from that, I don’t have much else to say other than we took it nice and slow on Saturday. 

Once The crew finally got moving on Saturday we made it over to the couch to watch some college football (completely forgetting how big of an event it is down there) until hunger grew into hanger then showered up and headed down to broadway yet again to see it in the daylight, which included a quick bite to eat at Paradise Park. One thing I will say, is Nashville deserves the title of music city... the streets are filled with it everywhere you turn, it’s such a cool environment to be apart of. After a day of recovery and strolling it was time to find some good grease which included a pit stop at smoke n thighs... if you couldn’t guess by the title it’s chicken. They eat chicken the same way albertans eat beef... which I’m not mad about because they know how to do it up right.

Sunday was they day I was most looking forward to as we headed to my first Titans game, it was a beautiful 26 degree (Celsius) day and the titans won...including a TD by Mr Eric Decker, can't get much better than that! After the game we headed to the Pharmacie for some burgers which were delicious but it looked like I had barely touched mine they were so big! But as always there is always room for dessert and we headed to Jenni's for ice cream, I had boozy eggnog and matterhorn to which I would highly recommend both.

And that hat pretty much sums up my whirlwind weekend, as I only travelled with a carryon it didn’t leave much room for shopping but I did pop into Draper James (which is a must) and a quick scoot around target.  I know I missed a lot I've already started making a list for next time...Including Grand Ol Opry, Sprinkles ATM and I’m thinking either later in November so I can catch a Predators Game and CMA’s or even June for CMA fest!! Anyone want to come with?!

Thanks for reading!

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo


Hollydays - Vancouver


FabFitFun - Fall Box 2017