February Favourites

Where did February go?

Even though it’s only two days shorter compared to most other months, it always seems to be two weeks shorter. When I look back on this month I am excited to see the growth of my company and I am beginning to celebrate the little wins as much as I can…sometimes it’s easier to focus on what hasn’t been completed rather than what has.

As usual, you’re here to find out this month’s recommendations.

Let’s start with books, I have still been using Audible this Month’s read was the 4% Fix by Karma Brown. This book really helped me stay motivated with my early morning routine, and while not all mornings are as productive as I’d like, I have successfully managed to flip my routine from 3 AM bedtime to 5:30 AM wake up. I have also continued on with my ToneItUp App, going a year strong, and have completed over 100 Workouts in the app! Another part of my new routine I think has helped is my Saje rollers. Back in November, I did a walkthrough at one of their stores and we chatted about the importance of a routine. I began using the Sleep Well roller in the evening and the Energy roller in the morning, and I will say it definitely has helped. I also added sleep timers to my devices so they automatically shut off after a certain time, which has really improved my rest.

Other books I finished reading this past month were Work Party by Jaclyn Johnson and Circle Maker by Mark Batterson. If you’ve been around a while you’ll know I start several books at once and then take ages to read through them, but I also wrap them up at the same time…don’t get the idea I just breeze through 5 books in a month.

I also joined an online women’s group through my church, we are reading through the book I Do Boundaries by Havilah Cunnington. Whether you’re Christian or not I would highly suggest connecting with your community. Life is hard enough as it is, and being able to meet with incredible women once a week, to inspire, challenge, and rally around one another has helped me immensely throughout this season. It’s an added bonus we can meet outside in small numbers, I have been able to go on walks and coffee dates with some of these women and be a support to one another. No matter if you think you need it or not, I would encourage you to find a group and connect.

As for other monthly favourites, we ended up having a cold snap here in Calgary (-40c) and of course, in the same week our hot water and heater quit on us, so I have never been more thankful for hot baths and a warm house!

One final favourite this month that is unique to Calgary is #yychotchocolatefest. This is the third year I have gone out and tasted what the best Cafes in Calgary have to offer. Good News/Bad News situation, this is the most I have ever tried in one year…bad news is all the calories, I just burned off from Christmas have snuck their way back on… good thing I’ve got my TIU app. Even though hot chocolate fest may be over, to keep the cold days a little warmer I would suggest exploring what your city has to offer. Small businesses need as much love and attention they can get right now, and I believe they should be rewarded for all their efforts and creativity. Show your city some love and tag me in your photos so I can see what you’re up to. If you happen to still be in lockdown, my heart goes out to you. Perhaps you can scroll Pinterest and gather some ideas to make your own hot chocolate creations!

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Month In Review: January 2021


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