Garden Cocktail


While I am still working my through the never - ending cocktail bingo, I have been enjoying my time on the back patio mixing, shaking and creating cocktails of my own.

This one inspired me through sunny days, light sips and refreshing bites. Unlike the winter, I have a lighter apetite and enjoy my drinks to match.

Here’s what you need (Single Serving), we created a pitcher and used 4x the portion.

  • 2oz of Gin, I used a botanical heavy Gin, but I’m sure you’re favourite would be just fine.

  • .75 oz Lemon Juice

  • .75oz Simple Syrup

  • 100ml of Elderflower Tonic, or to add a bit more citrus I used 50/50 Tonic and Grapefruit Sparkling Water, and Citrus Sparkling Water I figure will do just the trick.

  • Plenty of slices of various citrus, lime, lemon & grapefruit.

I of course love the detail of a pretty glass and wedge and cubes for detail, and cheers! Let me know what you think!


August Favourites - 2020


Autumn Jilly Box - 2020