Hello Fresh Review

Now that we are well into “Back to Routine” series I thought I’d share with you my diet. And no I’m not talking about the latest trends like Keto or Whole30 (as much as I’d love to try my sweet tooth is far to strong). I’m talking about my crazy schedule, shift work life, too much coffee not enough sleep, diet. If you couldn’t tell my diet is not the best, but I do try to eat as healthy as I can when I travel thanks to places like Jusu and Made who are making the “fast food” world a better place. But the closest one to where I live is 20mins away and when I only get one day off in a week the 40+ min commitment is something I could do without...enter Hello Fresh.
Like most of you who have stumbled upon my blog, you have probably seen Hello Fresh flooding your social media, well I finally caved (well done marketing team).
So I thought I’d share with you my thoughts and experience. First a quick run down of the plan I chose and why.
I went with the pronto plan, which means every meal can be made under 30mins, I also chose the 3 meal plan per week and meals for 2 servings. As I am only 1 human this equals to 6 meals. The first time you order you can get great savings and every time after that this plan comes to about $80 CAN/ week, for me this is a little over my personal budget but the nice thing about Hello Fresh is that you can skip weeks as you wish, so I use this service every other week and spend less on the alternate weeks.
Hello Fresh has brought the joy back in cooking for me. Not only do I get new recipes so I don’t get bored of the same “safe” meals but I also don’t have to worry about going out to the supermarket wasting time wandering the aisles and standing in lines, it’s all ready to go and portioned out for you!
My biggest concern when looking into a food service was getting “locked in”. As I mentioned before I love the fact I can alter the frequency of the shipment according to my budget but another great thing is you can change the delivery day, for an example if I am out of town on Monday I can change the drop off day that week to Tuesday.
Another thing I was super impressed by was how they keep the food cold, they know that there is a potential that they are delivering at a time where no one is home and the meals could be sitting out for a while so they pack it perfectly to stay cool, with special corn bags that are not only cooling, reusable AND Biodegradable. Along with having compostable bags they have an ice packs return system, when you get enough ice packs to fill a box you contact Hello Fresh and they will come pick it up for you!!
Because Hello Fresh is catered for the week I know all the ingredients are good for at least the entire week therefore if my delivery comes on Monday but I have dinner plans I can wait to cook one of the meals until Thursday, or if I don’t fancy having the same thing two nights in a row I know the leftovers can wait an extra night and I can go right ahead and cook meal #2.
Now onto the nitty gritty:
If you yourself (or a family member) is a picky eater like yours truly, have no fear as there are more than the 3 or 4 options to chose from so you can substitute your meals to your preferred options. If I remember correctly I believe there were 5 items. Again if there’s nothing on the list that takes your fancy you can always skip over the week, if you’re a family I would suggest everyone picks a meal that way you’re guaranteed to make at least 1 person happy every night.
For my first week the options I had were:
seared Italian sausage
blackened salmon tacos
mustard smash burgers
zucchini and lemon linguini
yogurt and dukkah crusted chicken
I chose the seared Italian Sausage, Zucchini and Lemon Linguini and Yogurt and Dukkah Custer Chicken. Although I didn't get all 5 options the booklet in the box came with all the recipes so I can always try them another time.
As I was traveling that week I chose to save the meat options for when I was home and travel with vegetarian one as I thought it would be a safer bet knowing it wouldn’t be sitting in the fridge all day. Let me tell you the leftovers are just as good as night 1. It was also nice coming home not having to wonder “what’s for dinner”, because I knew exactly what and within the hr of the garage door closing dinner would be on the table.
Plus the instructions are super easy great for this blonde and great for insta #foodgoals #wifeme haha!
Big love, thebrokeblonde xo
P.S Here’s a link for $40 off! bit.ly/35qZCSm