Holly Approved Hikes

I like being outdoors. And when I say outdoors, I mean on a patio with a cold drink in my hand working on my tan. However I don't mind the occasional outing if there's a Jack and Coke waiting for me at the bottom of it.

Here is a list of Holly Approved Hikes, meaning they take less than 2hrs, you don't die and you can wear cute nikes. If you are actual hiker I apologize in advance. These are strictly for those who are doing it for the insta. haha.


  • Johnston's Canyon. In the summer I would consider it more a trail than I hike, but if you go in February you will most definitely get your workout, when the entire path is just a sheet of ice, add nikes to the mix you'll be slipping everywhere and engaging those core muscles to deal with all the laughter.

  • Grotto Canyon. This is a fun little exploration. Lots of uneven rocks and water, the benefit to this is you can pretty much go for as long as you'd like. I stuck to my typical time of about an hr up...and an hr down. With a drink break at the "top". Lots of cool nooks to get some pics.

  • Grassi Lakes. Again pretty easy, relatively steady climb but nothing you can't handle. once you reach the lake you are able to go a touch further but only about another 5 mins before ropes and helmets are recommended.

  • *Update, If you are looking for something a bit more challenging in distance rather than height Sulphur Mountain would be another recommendation

  • If you want to take a longer trip, Waterton has plenty of hikes with various difficulties, just be aware of construction and road closures. I had a few planned hikes that didn’t work out due to these closures.

    I hope to add more to my list as summer progresses if you have any suggestions please leave a comment!


P.S I usually stop in Canmore for a bite on the way home


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