Hollydays - England

I have been asked to do a vlog type thing on this particular trip so I thought I'd give it a whirl.

I will have my instagram story going live daily on activities and mini vlog style and depending on my videography skills I may be able to compose a complete video of the entire trip. 

As for the blog I will try and share little snippets and pictures of each day! 

Let's begin the #hollyday

Day 1: Travel essentials and packing light!

I am away for practically the entire month of July, which is exciting but while bopping around multiple countries it is important to pack light so there are less things for me to carry and lose.... I have already done a quick debrief on packing lightly on another page so I'll save you the scroll time and you can check it out after!

As I am currently on the plane with sleepy Cinderella and a screaming in baby I thought now was just as good as time as any to share with you some of my travel essentials. 

  • Layers depending on travel time and location the plane and be boiling or freezing ....I have yet to find a flight where I am a comfortable temperature.

  • Coffee. I like it that's all there is too it.

  • Water. although water is always available during flight pre and post flight is where I use water the most and it keeps your skin hydrated. If you ever get headaches or motion sickness try sparkling water...I find it helps and I just like it too.

  • Peppermint oil as mentioned above if you get headaches this little guy can be quite the lifesaver.

  • iPad... it's so obvious I almost forgot about it. Here I am typing on it and almost forgot to mention it...once I'm done here I'll be heading over to Netflix to watch some pre-downloaded shows.

  • With that being said headphones are also quite handy

  • Camera...I currently have three on me but they are all for different uses - that along with adapters my bag is pretty much full haha.

  • Gum. A) great for freshening your breath during or post flight, also great for popping ears during elevation changes.

  • Travel documents...duh.

  • Beauty essentials for me includes a face mist to wake me up a bit post flight and mascara.

Time to look alive people!!That is it for day 1.... going to TRY and get some sleep just like my travel partner and what seems like that crying baby now too 💯 !!

Night night/ good morning 

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo 


Day 2:  Landed / 42nd St.

We've arrived!! And all in one piece. 

We landed around lunch time and once my partner in crime made it through customs we were on our way. We thought the best way to get over our jet lag would be to not to stop all day - so that's what we did. We arrived at our location hopped in the shower to refresh and back in to town we went!

After heading into covent garden....the long way round (thanks google maps) off to the theatre we went!!

Uwe had originally bought the cheapest seats possible to 42nd St up in the balcony, however for that evenings performance the balcony was closed so we were brought down to grand circle which was a nice surprise.

It was a fun musical and the tapping kept me awake, however I personally prefer one with a bit more of a storyline. I would still recommend it to a friend though!!

That's all from me. 

Good Morning and Good Night x

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo


Day 3: Walking without wifi

Today we managed to squeeze in the majority of London's top tourist spots in just under thirty five thousand steps... it probably could of been a lot less had my phone not died and we knew how to read a map properly. Haha.

As most do we started our day off with breakfast- as we're adults we decided that ice cream was a suitable option. Post ice cream we headed for Cereal Killer, on the way we made a slight detour into soft serve...for another ice cream. This shop is amongst many others along a unique strip called box park near brick lane. Following the double ice cream and peanut butter cereal we decided to be sensible and skip out on the doughnuts although as I am writing this I'm not quite sure what I was thinking....Dum Dum Doughnuts I'm coming for you 🍩.

After digesting a couple thousand calories we hit all the tourist spots....literally all of them. London Eye, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, London Bridge, Tower of London, we even saw the production of Shakespeare's Twelth Night at the Globe Theatre. 

Now that we are home I realize how much walking there was...and I am slightly regretting that 6am wake up call waiting for me tomorrow morning. 

Thanks for reading, see you tomorrow!

Good Morning / Good Night xo

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo


Day 4: Near Death and Scrambled Eggs

I'm sorry I am a day behind but yesterday was jam packed again and full of adventure. For some reason I was up with the sun at 4:30 ....I didn't really do a whole between then at 7am but once my partner in crime was up we hit the day head one. Starting with a very intense workout that nearly killed me!!

It was a mix of floor work and treadmills in a boiling hot room, probably one of the best  workouts I've ever done and I would highly recommend...just not when you have another busy day of walking around ...scratch that ....running around London.

We headed to Leicester Square for a picnic lunch and then off to Gloucester we went! ... Enter Lesson #2. Don't trust other people's directions we arrived at Victoria Station half an hr before our scheduled departure time and somehow we ended having to run several blocks panting and sweating buckets on the verge of tears asking the bus attendant to let us on the bus at 4:29....needless to say we were not the happiest of campers but we made it.

P.S running with a suitcase post intense workout = not ideal.

That sums up day 4.

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo


Day 5: Sheep on Fire

Hello hello, 

Today i spent the day in Gloucester with family, we had gorgeous weather and enjoyed traditional fish and chips picnic style beside the Cathedral after working up a appetite post shopping. 

After that we went down to visit my uncle at the fire station, where they were having an open house kind of day. Got to tour round the firehall which was cool and sit in the drivers seat of the engine....

On our way out the event turned into a slight rodeo when a sheep escaped from the petting zoo. I must say seeing three firemen chase a sheep is quite entertaining, my uncle, the hero, managed to wrangle the sheep. Safe to say I got a taste of what I'm missing back home.

After supper we had a lovely bit of family time flipping through old albums and having s'mores and making fun of attempting to do each others accents. We have an early start tmr so off to bed now xx

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo


Hollydays - Ireland


Holly Approved Hikes