Hollydays - Ireland

Day 6: Luck Of The Irish

Sorry I am writing day 6 at the end of day...9?! Yikes! Oops.

Day 6 was also a pretty jam packed, the day started off at 5:30 to catch an early flight into Dublin. Which once landed we took our time getting to know the surrounding area including a trip to Malahide Castle and a walk along the beach! 

Headed to bed early as Day 7 was full of adventure.

Day 7: Sneaking into Hotels and Drinking Beer

It was by blonde friends birthday so that started the day with an early trip around Guinness with a morning pint....which hit us a lot harder than it should as we calculated we hadn't eaten in almost 20hrs oopsss!! 

**sidenote** "Breaking the seal" is a real thing. After going to the washroom and heading out of the Guinness Brewery about four blocks out we both needed to pee...again. So what do we do we sneak into the Radisson Hotel and use the first Ladies room we see....Thanks Radisson, I promise to be a paying guest at some point!

Post beer, we walked up and down the streets of Dublin fuelling our bodies with again more doughnuts and ice cream...we did have a proper lunch this time, well sort of. 

After dinner we headed down to the local pub and enjoyed some live music and a couple of pints and got caught in the rain on our way home...to which we were told we came home far too early. 

Day 8: On the hunt for Irish Men... I mean Leprechauns

Remember in P.S I love you she goes to Ireland and there's this beautiful greenery....those are called the Wicklow mountains so being as basic as can be I wanted to see this gorgeous place where Holly (the character) falls in love....this unfortunately did not happen for me, no cute singing Irish man and no cute bridge, just a lot of mist, so much so that on our way up we stopped off at Johnnie Foxes for a morning pint...as one does. And then we stopped again for lunch on our way back down because we weren't able to make it all the way there....

oh well something to come back for.

Day 9: If I could walk 500 miles... but I'll settle for 33,300 steps

As I am writing this I realize it is actually the end of day 10!!

Yesterday, we walked the cliff line over from Sutton to Howth. It was a stunning day - we even got distracted by the sun with the cool breeze coming off the See and managed to get a little burned!

this was the scenery I pictured Ireland to have but have never quite seen for myself. It was gorgeous!! Once we reached Howth lunch was on the menu...fresh fish and chips, well just the chips for me. #fisharefriendsnotfood. 

On our way back we stopped for another '99 as the shop was closed the previous evening.

Day 10: Temple Bar and More Doughnuts

Second trip into Dublin again another beautiful day.

We toured around Dublin Castle, The GPO, The National Gallery and The Temple Bar....the actual bar and its district. 

The day was pretty packed in itself we came home around 4pm and got ourselves sorted for our day in Cork tomorrow and then had some dinner and that was all she wrote.

Now you're all caught up, I'll see you tomorrow!

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo

Day 11: Son of a Bun! Put a Cork in it!

Today was a long but beautiful day in Cork, it's about a 3hr drive from Dublin. We decided instead of spending a third day in the same city do venture off to somewhere new. 

Along the steep and narrow paths we toured the city and popped into a couple local shops and attractions like the museum, the four faced liar at St. Anne's and Fitzgerald Parks which is across the shaky bridge...my favourite 🙄.

After spending the morning wandering around we had a picnic in the park and then continued to walk around the College and Shopping District. 

Along the walk we decided to have a bite before hopping back on the bus, we found a cool little burger joint where they did a beautiful veggie burger with portobello mushroom and pickled onion...as usual I was not able to finish! I did however do as the Irish do and have a pint of the local craft which is called Franciscan's Well. To which we visited the brewery after we had finished  eating. We did manage to restrain ourselves from indulging in yet another doughnut...but I will say I think the Irish do it better than Canadians....sorry!! I'll attach some pictures in a bit and you can see for yourself! (If you can't wait there are ones already on insta @thebrokeblondeblog)

That's all from Cork xo 

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo


Hollydays - Amsterdam


Hollydays - England