Quick Summer Smoothies

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Good Morning…I say morning but it could be whenever really.

I am not a breakfast person my first meal typically happens at LEAST two hours after I have woken up, and while I hate to admit it most of the time it’s a black cup of coffee. I have been slowly working on my meal prepping skills so I at least have some nutrients in my body before noon, as of lately that has included a green juice.

But there are times where I need something a bit more substantial, especially on the days I have back to back meetings or classes.

Smoothie 1: Green

  • 1 Scoop Of Vanilla Protein

  • 1 Scoop Of Fibre Powder

  • 1 Scoop Of Micro Greens Powder

  • 1 Pack of Digestion Plus

  • 1 Cup of Almond or Coconut Milk

  • 1 Cup of Frozen Cauliflower (I have also done 1/2 Frozen Avo 1/2 Cauli)

As I use frozen veg I don’t need to add ice.

Smoothie 2: Post - Nap Piña Colada

I made this over the summer when I didn’t feel like eating much food because of the heat so after a afternoon of laying out in the patio I whipped this up.

  • 1 Cup Pineapple Juice

  • 1 Cup Coconut Milk (Carton not Can)

  • 1 Cup Frozen Cauliflower

  • 1.5 Cups of Ice

  • 1 Scoop of Vanilla Protein

  • 1 Pack of Digestion Plus

  • 1 Scoop of Fibre

  • 1 Scoop of Collagen

I have used Arbonne products for my Protein, Fibre, Micro Greens and Digestion Plus but anything will do. To learn more about Arbonne contact my girl Megan over on Instagram @_meganmcconnell. For the collagen I use WithinUs.


Good Morning Green Juice


Sweater Weather