Skincare Routine - Winter/Spring 2020

Hiya Blondies!

As the seasons are ever so slightly beginning to change I thought I would hop on and share a quick refresh on my skincare routine.

I have been working hard on culling my vanity and using the products I have to completion, that way not only do I create space for my toothbrush, but it also let’s me get a full picture of how certain products work or react with my skin.

Just before Christmas I was gifted the Soothe Regime from Rodan + Fields by my friend Kristyn along with the Redefine Lip Renewing Serum, Rejuvenation Mask and Body Scrub.

I jumped right into the Lip Serum as my lips always get dry AF over the winter here in Calgary and trust me no one wants to be kissing that! Talk about life saver…am I right? The serum retails for $67CAN.

I also began using the Rejuvenation Mask about once a week for the fisrt month then I took it on a trip with me and as I type this I think it may still be rolling around in the back of my car…oops. Needless to say when I did use it I loved it and it bubbles which is super fun! It is also great for the on-the go girl as it is a simple 10min mask, none of this 45 min rip your skin off business! It’s designed to hydrate dry skin and smooth out the look of wrinkles (hello! sign me up). This mask retails for $71CAN.

If the Redefine Line sounds like your perfect fit I would suggest reaching out to my girl Kristyn on her Instagram @bell_kristyn or if you’re like me and like to jump in with both feet I would suggest a regime which includes all your necessities…AGE ASSAULT SPECIAL has a 6 Step Regime PLUS the Lip Serum Capsules this retails for $448CAN.

As I was already working through my Dermalogica skincare set I didn’t want to disrupt my skin’s routine so I held off until the new year to give it a shot. I have to say I was pleasantly surprised at the results. Not going to lie I am always skeptical when it comes to MLM businesses and their products…I’ve been burned in the past, but I would gladly recommend the Soothe Regime to anyone who wanted to give it a try…or to anyone who will listen, that includes you poor reader haha!

The downside to the Regime is that 3/4 steps come in 50ml bottles which is perfect for someone like me who travels a ton and tried to travel as light a possible the issues is that step 1, the cleanser, is 125ml which if you’ve stepped in an airport this century is a no-go. So during my travels I packed step 2-3-4 and brought my trusty Liz Earle Cleanser which I will love until the end of time and is only 100ml.

Onto the positives…I did find that it soothed my skin and it was gentle enough not to make it irritate anymore than usual, in fact I didn’t find it irritating at all. In the morning at home I would do Step 1, cleanse. Then I tone with Saje’s Bliss Mist, then I roll on my facial oil, which as of late has been Dermalogica’s Bio-lum C with my Rose Quartz Roller. Step 2 which is the Sensitve Skin Treatment, Step 3 Moisture Replenishing Cream and Step 4 which is a mineral Sunscreen, which I am so happy to have as apart of the regime, because I am awful at remembering to put on SPF in the summer let alone the Winter! And yes even in Snowy Calgary the UV Rays can still get ya! The only thing I am not a huge fan of is it does leave a bit of a white cast on the skin so you really have to make sure it’s well blended.

This regime is $208CAN and if you really wanted to spoil yourself you could add on the Soothe Rescue Mask at $71CAN which I was given a sample back in the fall and again I was surprised how quickly it settled my skin…it’s funny the way your body and skin react letting you know exactly what it needs.

On the topic of sunscreen, R+F also has a two-pack of their Lip Balm that has SPF 25 in it, a perfect compliment to the Lip Serum Capsules during the winter! Mine has either been in my coat pocket, in the car or handbag I am actually starring at it as rub my lips and thinking I better get up and put some on!

The final item that was gifted to me was Micro-Dermabrasion Paste, this retails for $96.00CAN. I typically use this once or twice a week on my body and I am nearing the end of the jar…however if you only used it on your face I am sure you could stretch it to 6months instead of 3. I just find is super luxe to add it to my bath routine and to give my drive skin that extra bit of love over the winter months.

That’s all I have for you this week!

Feel free to reach out to Kristyn or I on Instagram if you have any questions…whatever I can’t answer I’m sure Kristyn can!

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo  


Jilly Box Spring - 2020


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