Sleep Routine Ft. Saje

Do you ever dream for having the ultimate cosy duvet day, and then your alarm rudily intterupts you. It’s time to get up and out for the day. Sure 7am is when most people get up but it doesn’t help when you only got to sleep around 1.

If this sounds like you, you’re in good company. I have been working hard on breaking this terrible habit of scrolling before bed. I know in my brain that it’s not good for me but it’s become such a part of my routine I have created this monster of a horrible habit. So much so that with COVID and online schooling, I don’t typically roll out of bed until 11!

Not my ideal routine.

I knew something had to change, so step one was to burn off that excess energy. Back in the spring I was really good at keeping to a fitness schedule, and somewhere over the summer I lost it. Even if I’m not back at 7 days a week moving my body at a minimum of 5 days a week…even if it’s just yoga or foam rolling gets my brain back in gear and into the habit of working out again.

Next is fighting that 3pm lull.

You know where you desperately need a coffee but if you do, you’ll have the shakes until midnight. This was, and still is my hardest battle. Because I knew if I didn’t my brain would shut down and take a nap. I have found myself waking up too many times at 8:30pm from “just watching a show”, but it was enough to kick start my energy and keep me going until 2am.

The cycle begins all over again.


September Favourites


Feya Candles