Thanksgiving Favourites - 2016

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Let's start with the obivious...PUMPKINS!! is there anything else I have to say!

I love everything pumpkin... cheescake,lattes, muffins,candles I love them all however here are a few additional things I love about Thanksgiving.

I find the best floral arrangements come from the farmers market. I love wandering around the market peeking at all the lovely treats and unique gift items. I always finish my day with a coffee...or hot chocolate from Analog and a fresh bouquet of flowers.

For those of you who don't know me yet I absolutely LOVE flowers they make a space so fresh and bright, they also create a great feature for any room (it's also a great hostess gift!)

Speaking of hosting, I have escaped the task of cooking a 30lb turkey however we can't eat the flowers so I have volunteered to make the sweet treats!

Now I'm not a fan of pie....I'm SORRY, however I do like when Pumpkin Pie is homemade ( completely). I picked up the sugar pumpkins from the Calgary Corn Maze  it's a great family activity, you can either go on friday nights for “Flash Light Nights” or anytime during the day over the weekend. It was packed last weekend! Once I bought the pumpkins I passed the pie duty onto my mama. With the amount of pumpkin puree leftover I was able to make Pumpkin Pecan Muffins...which shockingly turned out to be a hit ( I didn't even burn them...only got stuck in the pan this time!). I also decided to make a super easy burn-free pumpkin-free dessert, caramel apple slices - perfect for the sweet tooth and a lot easier to eat than a candy apple!! I used golden apples and did three variations, smarties, cinnamon sugar and salted caramel. All I did was warm up caramel pour it over the apples and add the toppings ta-da!! c'est fini!!

Time for a Signature Cocktail... no I did not create this, I just bought the ingredients so everyone could have a good time.

This one is a salted caramel apple mimosa, I opted out of the "salted caramel" portion just because I didn't want to spend $30 on salted caramel vodka, so I simply rimmed the glass with caramel and cinnamon sugar, then filled half the glass with chilled apple cider and the rest with prosecco.

The second "cocktail" is simply ginger and rye with added cranberry juice and garnish (to make it festive of course!!) 

The day after thanksgiving, I live off of leftovers and light snacks.

That's all for now, hope you all had a lovely turkey day!!  If you have any suggestions or traditions feel free to leave a comment! 

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo

P.S I'm thankful for all of you lovely readers xo


October Favourites - 2016


September Monthly Favourites