Women’s Health & Fitness Day

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I don’t know about you but over quarantine I have found it hard to stay focused and on track with a fitness plan. Thankfully, I have found Tone It Up to be a really great resource as they not only have on demand classes but also programs that range from 2-8 weeks.

As tomorrow is Women’s Health and Fitness day, I thought I would share with you my favourite work-out moves that you can use with no weights, theraband or weights depending on intensity preferance and accessbility to workout equipement.

While I personally love lower boday resistance workouts, I do know it is important to keep your whole body moving so I brought in a friend to help me curate my favourite moves into a full body circut.


  • Biceps. Start will 12 full range bicep curls, then 12 half range from hip to elbow height continue with another 12 from shoulder to elbow height.

  • Triceps. Start with 12 Tricep kickbacks, followed by 12 tricep pulses up and 12 pulses inward. **Remember to have a soft bend in your knees and a slight hinge forward.

Working our way down, a brief standing core exercise.

  • With an weight in each hand take your time leaning side to side with a quick pause in the middle to re-engage your core before each lean. 15 on each side.

Lower Body:

  • Either with no weights, weights in hand or resistance band around your calves start off with 30 squats to warm up the legs, to make it full body add overhead shoulder presses.

  • Now your legs are warmed time to do 30 jump jack squats. Remember form over speed.

  • To lower your heart rate before we go to the ground, spend 30 seconds walking side to side (I typically do 2 per side or you could do the length of your room)

  • On all fours place an weight behind your knee and raise up to the sky with a flexed heel. 15 on each side.

  • One completed switch back to first leg and rotate 90 degrees outward like a fire hydrant. 15 again on each side.

  • Remove the weight and pop up into a plank. If you want the additional resistance place the band around your quads. Hold for 30 seconds and then rotate into hip dips 15 on each side.

  • Next pick one side and stack your hips on top of one another 15 leg lifts, then tuck your knees in and clip heels to toe for 15 rotations, once again straighten your legs and with your top leg create a rainbow and if you haven’t already guessed 15 rainbows please. And don’t forget your other leg! If you want the extra challenge keep the resistance band around your quads.

  • Almost done! Flip onto your back and create a bridge. For extra challenge keep that band on and raise those heels! 30 hip raises and to make it full body grab those weights and lift them to the sky and then rotate them outwards.


To keep the burn going, repeat two more times. This will give you a quick 20 mins sweat sesh and reboot your energy!

Happy Women’s Health & Fitness Day, to finish off your workout I am sharing with you my favourite green juice recipe and two quick smoothies!

P.S This is much as a reminder for me as it is for you….DRINK WATER.

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Fall Causebox - 2020


Good Morning Green Juice