#YYC Hot Chocolate Fest

As many of you may know by now I am a HUGE Hot choco fan (if you didn't know check my instal feed or my bio). 

Well throughout the month of February Meals on Wheels hosts YYC Hot chocolate fest (aka heaven on earth). This helps all us bitter hibernators get out and be a bit more social. There are several cafés throughout the city that participate by creating a feature Hot chocolate. I have yet to try all of them. However it does run the entire month so I still have a bit of time! 

I decided to start with my favourite coffee shops and expand from there. 

First stop was Rosso in Inglewood, their creation was Roasted Coconut Hot Chocolate, although this was delicious and I would definitely buy it again it wasn't a stand out in this critics mind. It was Simone Hot chocolate with roasted coconut topping.

Monogram was my next victim haha. Their creation was Citrus Ginger Hot Chocolate. The first few sips gives you a sweet note almost like a terry's chocolate orange, but the ginger sure ends it with a kick. If you have a high sensitivity to spice you may not appreciate the bite. However, I am a lover of all things ginger....this is no exception. 

As delicious as this is, it is not the show stopper. 

My current favourite is the one from PZA just off  McLeod Trail. Not only do they have fantastic pizzas their Hot chocolate is a meal in itself. It has a simple Hot Chocolate base but it is loaded with whipped cream drizzled with Nutella, topped with churros not to mention it gives this 90's kid major nostalgia with the rim coated with peppermint pop-rocks.

i still have a few more on my list I would like to hit up by the end of the month but we shall have to see. 

Where are your favourite coffee shops? (Doesn't have to be in Calgary, I'll travel for a good cuppa) 

That's all for today! Hope you all had a lovely long weekend xo 

Big Love, thebrokeblonde xo


February Favourites - 2017


Happy Galentine's Day